Rebecca A. Gourevitch
Insurance churning rates for low-income adults under health reform: lower than expected but still harmful for many
BD Sommers, R Gourevitch, B Maylone, RJ Blendon, AM Epstein
Health Affairs 35 (10), 1816-1824, 2016
Electronic health records and support for primary care teamwork
AS O’Malley, K Draper, R Gourevitch, DA Cross, SH Scholle
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22 (2), 426-434, 2015
Challenges in adapting existing clinical natural language processing systems to multiple, diverse health care settings
DS Carrell, RE Schoen, DA Leffler, M Morris, S Rose, A Baer, SD Crockett, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 24 (5), 986-991, 2017
Overcoming challenges to teamwork in patient-centered medical homes: a qualitative study
AS O’Malley, R Gourevitch, K Draper, A Bond, MA Tirodkar
Journal of general internal medicine 30, 183-192, 2015
Physician characteristics associated with higher adenoma detection rate
A Mehrotra, M Morris, RA Gourevitch, DS Carrell, DA Leffler, S Rose, ...
Gastrointestinal endoscopy 87 (3), 778-786. e5, 2018
Right-sizing prenatal care to meet patients' needs and improve maternity care value
AF Peahl, RA Gourevitch, EM Luo, KE Fryer, MH Moniz, VK Dalton, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 135 (5), 1027-1037, 2020
Endoscopist factors that influence serrated polyp detection: a multicenter study
SD Crockett, RA Gourevitch, M Morris, DS Carrell, S Rose, Z Shi, JB Greer, ...
Endoscopy 50 (10), 984-992, 2018
Declines in contraceptive visits in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
MW Steenland, CK Geiger, L Chen, S Rokicki, RA Gourevitch, AD Sinaiko, ...
Contraception 104 (6), 593-599, 2021
Effect of an intensive nurse home visiting program on adverse birth outcomes in a Medicaid-eligible population: a randomized clinical trial
MA McConnell, S Rokicki, S Ayers, F Allouch, N Perreault, RA Gourevitch, ...
Jama 328 (1), 27-37, 2022
Variation in pathologist classification of colorectal adenomas and serrated polyps
RA Gourevitch, S Rose, SD Crockett, M Morris, DS Carrell, JB Greer, ...
Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG 113 (3 …, 2018
Patients’ views on price shopping and price transparency
HL Semigran, R Gourevitch, AD Sinaiko, D Cowling, A Mehrotra
Am J Manag Care 23 (6), e186-e192, 2017
Who uses a price transparency tool? Implications for increasing consumer engagement
RA Gourevitch, S Desai, AL Hicks, LA Hatfield, ME Chernew, A Mehrotra
INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing …, 2017
Variation in guideline-based prenatal care in a commercially insured population
RA Gourevitch, T Natwick, CE Chaisson, A Weiseth, NT Shah
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 226 (3), 413. e1-413. e19, 2022
Moving Markets: Lessons from New Hampshire's Health Care Price Transparency Experiment
H Tu, R Gourevitch
Mathematica Policy Research Reports, 2014
How do pregnant women use quality measures when choosing their obstetric provider?
RA Gourevitch, A Mehrotra, G Galvin, M Karp, A Plough, NT Shah
Birth 44 (2), 120-127, 2017
Hospital experiences using electronic health records to support medication reconciliation
J Grossman, R Gourevitch, DA Cross
National Institute for Healthcare Reform (NIHCR), 2014
Trends in postpartum mental health care before and during COVID‐19
S Rokicki, MW Steenland, CK Geiger, RA Gourevitch, L Chen, MW Martin, ...
Health Services Research 57 (6), 1342-1347, 2022
Association between endoscopist personality and rate of adenoma detection
G Ezaz, DA Leffler, S Beach, RE Schoen, SD Crockett, RA Gourevitch, ...
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 17 (8), 1571-1579. e7, 2019
Understanding the impact of prenatal care: improving metrics, data, and evaluation
RA Gourevitch, AF Peahl, M McConnell, N Shah
Health Affairs Forefront, 2020
Protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of the Nurse-Family Partnership’s home visiting program in South Carolina on maternal and child health outcomes
MA McConnell, RA Zhou, MW Martin, RA Gourevitch, M Steenland, ...
Trials 21, 1-21, 2020
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