Thomas Soderstrom
Thomas Soderstrom
Söderström Engineering & Consulting
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Plasmonic absorption in textured silver back reflectors of thin film solar cells
FJ Haug, T Söderström, O Cubero, V Terrazzoni-Daudrix, C Ballif
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (6), 2008
Optimization of amorphous silicon thin film solar cells for flexible photovoltaics
T Söderström, FJ Haug, V Terrazzoni-Daudrix, C Ballif
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (11), 2008
Comparison and optimization of randomly textured surfaces in thin-film solar cells
C Rockstuhl, S Fahr, K Bittkau, T Beckers, R Carius, FJ Haug, ...
Optics express 18 (S3), A335-A341, 2010
Silicon filaments in silicon oxide for next‐generation photovoltaics
P Cuony, DTL Alexander, I Perez‐Wurfl, M Despeisse, G Bugnon, ...
Advanced Materials 24 (9), 1182-1186, 2012
Development of micromorph tandem solar cells on flexible low-cost plastic substrates
FJ Haug, T Söderström, M Python, V Terrazzoni-Daudrix, X Niquille, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (6-7), 884-887, 2009
Asymmetric intermediate reflector for tandem micromorph thin film silicon solar cells
T Söderström, FJ Haug, X Niquille, V Terrazzoni, C Ballif
Applied Physics Letters 94 (6), 2009
Efficient nanocoax‐based solar cells
MJ Naughton, K Kempa, ZF Ren, Y Gao, J Rybczynski, N Argenti, W Gao, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 4 (7), 181-183, 2010
A new view of microcrystalline silicon: the role of plasma processing in achieving a dense and stable absorber material for photovoltaic applications
G Bugnon, G Parascandolo, T Söderström, P Cuony, M Despeisse, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (17), 3665-3671, 2012
TCOs for nip thin film silicon solar cells
T Söderström, FJ Haug, X Niquille, C Ballif
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and applications 17 (3), 165-176, 2009
Smart wire connection technology
T Söderström, P Papet, J Ufheil
the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 495-499, 2013
Optimization of thin film silicon solar cells on highly textured substrates
M Despeisse, C Battaglia, M Boccard, G Bugnon, M Charrière, P Cuony, ...
physica status solidi (a) 208 (8), 1863-1868, 2011
SmartWire solar cell interconnection technology
A Faes, M Despeisse, J Levrat, J Champliaud, N Badel, M Kiaee, ...
Proc. 29th Eur. Photovoltaic Sol. Energy Conf 2014, 2555-2561, 2014
Polycrystalline silicon on glass thin-film solar cells: A transition from solid-phase to liquid-phase crystallised silicon
S Varlamov, J Dore, R Evans, D Ong, B Eggleston, O Kunz, U Schubert, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 119, 246-255, 2013
Flexible micromorph tandem a-Si/μc-Si solar cells
T Söderström, FJ Haug, V Terrazzoni-Daudrix, C Ballif
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (1), 2010
Microcrystalline silicon solar cells: effect of substrate temperature on cracks and their role in post‐oxidation
M Python, D Dominé, T Söderström, F Meillaud, C Ballif
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 18 (7), 491-499, 2010
Influence of the ZnO buffer on the guided mode structure in Si/ZnO/Ag multilayers
FJ Haug, T Söderström, O Cubero, V Terrazzoni-Daudrix, C Ballif
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (4), 2009
New cell metallization patterns for heterojunction solar cells interconnected by the smart wire connection technology
P Papet, L Andreetta, D Lachenal, G Wahli, J Meixenberger, B Legradic, ...
Energy Procedia 67, 203-209, 2015
Optimization of ZnO front electrodes for high-efficiency micromorph thin-film Si solar cells
M Boccard, T Söderström, P Cuony, C Battaglia, S Hänni, S Nicolay, ...
IEEE Journal of photovoltaics 2 (3), 229-235, 2012
Lamination process and encapsulation materials for glass–glass PV module design
G Cattaneo, A Faes, HY Li, F Galliano, M Gragert, Y Yao, R Grischke, ...
Photovoltaics International 27, 1-8, 2015
Combined plasmonic and dielectric rear reflectors for enhanced photocurrent in solar cells
A Basch, FJ Beck, T Söderström, S Varlamov, KR Catchpole
Applied physics letters 100 (24), 2012
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