Carlos Santos
Carlos Santos
Associate Professor, Department of Social Welfare, University of California, Los Angeles
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Questioning gender norms with men to improve health outcomes: evidence of impact
G Barker, C Ricardo, M Nascimento, A Olukoya, C Santos
Global public health 5 (5), 539-553, 2010
Invisibility of racial/ethnic minorities in developmental science: Implications for research and institutional practices.
M Syed, C Santos, HC Yoo, LP Juang
American Psychologist 73 (6), 812, 2018
Intersectionality research in counseling psychology.
PR Grzanka, CE Santos, B Moradi
Journal of counseling psychology 64 (5), 453, 2017
For better or worse? System‐justifying beliefs in sixth‐grade predict trajectories of self‐esteem and behavior across early adolescence
EB Godfrey, CE Santos, E Burson
Child development 90 (1), 180-195, 2019
Peer influence on gender identity development in adolescence.
O Kornienko, CE Santos, CL Martin, KL Granger
Developmental psychology 52 (10), 1578, 2016
Positive Development of Minority Children. Social Policy Report. Volume 27, Number 2.
NJ Cabrera
Society for Research in Child Development, 2013
To be or not to be: An exploration of ethnic identity development in context
N Way, C Santos, EY Niwa, C Kim‐Gervey
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 2008 (120), 61-79, 2008
Integrating an intersectionality lens in theory and research in developmental science
CE Santos, RB Toomey
New directions for child and adolescent development 2018 (161), 7-15, 2018
Peer influence on ethnic‐racial identity development: A multi‐site investigation
CE Santos, O Kornienko, D Rivas‐Drake
Child development 88 (3), 725-742, 2017
The history, struggles, and potential of the term Latinx
CE Santos
Latina/o Psychology Today 4 (2), 7-14, 2017
The associations of sexual and ethnic–racial identity commitment, conflicts in allegiances, and mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual racial and ethnic minority adults.
CE Santos, RA VanDaalen
Journal of counseling psychology 63 (6), 668, 2016
Gender‐typed behaviors, achievement, and adjustment among racially and ethnically diverse boys during early adolescence.
CE Santos, K Galligan, E Pahlke, RA Fabes
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 83 (2-3), 252, 2013
Effects of SB 1070 on children
C Santos, C Menjívar, E Godfrey
Latino politics and Arizona’s immigration law SB 1070, 79-92, 2013
The effects of friendship network popularity on depressive symptoms during early adolescence: Moderation by fear of negative evaluation and gender
O Kornienko, CE Santos
Journal of youth and adolescence 43, 541-553, 2014
Associations among psychological distress, high-risk activism, and conflict between ethnic-racial and sexual minority identities in lesbian, gay, bisexual racial/ethnic …
CE Santos, RA VanDaalen
Journal of Counseling Psychology 65 (2), 194, 2018
Youths’ perspective on Senate Bill 1070 in Arizona: The socio-emotional effects of immigration policy
C Santos, C Menjivar
Association of Mexican American Educators Journal 7 (2), 2013
Manning up while growing up: A developmental-contextual perspective on masculine gender-role socialization in adolescence.
AA Rogers, MG Nielson, CE Santos
Psychology of Men & Masculinities 22 (2), 354, 2021
Gender‐typed behaviors in friendships and well‐being: A cross‐cultural study of Chinese and American boys
T Gupta, N Way, RK McGill, D Hughes, C Santos, Y Jia, H Yoshikawa, ...
Journal of Research on Adolescence 23 (1), 57-68, 2013
Targeted victimization: Exploring linear and curvilinear associations between social network prestige and victimization
NCZ Andrews, LD Hanish, KA Updegraff, CL Martin, CE Santos
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 45, 1772-1785, 2016
Ethnic identity, school connectedness, and achievement in standardized tests among Mexican-origin youth.
CE Santos, MA Collins
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 22 (3), 447, 2016
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