Carolina Cavalcante
Shear zones–A review
H Fossen, GCG Cavalcante
Earth-Science Reviews 171, 434-455, 2017
Deformation–progressive or multiphase?
H Fossen, GCG Cavalcante, RVL Pinheiro, CJ Archanjo
Journal of Structural Geology 125, 82-99, 2019
A review of deformation bands in reservoir sandstones: geometries, mechanisms and distribution
H Fossen, R Soliva, G Ballas, B Trzaskos, C Cavalcante, RA Schultz
Adamastor–an ocean that never existed?
J Konopásek, C Cavalcante, H Fossen, V Janoušek
Earth-Science Reviews 205, 103201, 2020
Hot versus cold orogenic behavior: Comparing the Araçuaí‐West Congo and the Caledonian orogens
H Fossen, GC Cavalcante, RP de Almeida
Tectonics 36 (10), 2159-2178, 2017
A critical discussion of the subduction-collision model for the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí-West Congo orogen
H Fossen, C Cavalcante, J Konopásek, VT Meira, RP de Almeida, ...
Precambrian Research 343, 105715, 2020
Reviewing the puzzling intracontinental termination of the Araçuaí-West Congo orogenic belt and its implications for orogenic development
C Cavalcante, H Fossen, RP de Almeida, MHBM Hollanda, ...
Precambrian Research 322, 85-98, 2019
How long can the middle crust remain partially molten during orogeny?
C Cavalcante, MH Hollanda, A Vauchez, M Kawata
Geology 46 (10), 839-842, 2018
Connecting the Araçuaí and Ribeira belts (SE–Brazil): Progressive transition from contractional to transpressive strain regime during the Brasiliano orogeny
M Egydio-Silva, A Vauchez, H Fossen, GCG Cavalcante, BC Xavier
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 86, 127-139, 2018
The Patos-Pernambuco shear system of NE Brazil: Partitioned intracontinental transcurrent deformation revealed by enhanced aeromagnetic data
H Fossen, LB Harris, C Cavalcante, CJ Archanjo, CF Ávila
Journal of Structural Geology 158, 104573, 2022
Temperature constraints on microfabric patterns in quartzofeldsphatic mylonites, Ribeira belt (SE Brazil)
C Cavalcante, L Lagoeiro, H Fossen, M Egydio-Silva, LFG Morales, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 115, 243-262, 2018
The influence of partial melting and melt migration on the rheology of the continental crust
GCG Cavalcante, G Viegas, CJ Archanjo, ME da Silva
Journal of Geodynamics 101, 186-199, 2016
Strain distribution across a partially molten middle crust: Insights from the AMS mapping of the Carlos Chagas Anatexite, Araçuaí belt (East Brazil)
GCG Cavalcante, M Egydio-Silva, A Vauchez, P Camps, E Oliveira
Journal of Structural Geology 55, 79-100, 2013
The petrologic and petrochronologic record of progressive vs polyphase deformation: opening the analytical toolbox
S Oriolo, B Schulz, M Hueck, P Oyhantcabal, F Heidelbach, G Sosa, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 234, 104235, 2022
Thermal conditions during deformation of partially molten crust from TitaniQ geothermometry: rheological implications for the anatectic domain of the Araçuaí belt, eastern Brazil
GCG Cavalcante, A Vauchez, C Merlet, M Egydio-Silva, ...
Solid Earth 5 (2), 1223-1242, 2014
Quartz textural analysis from an anastomosing shear zone system: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Ribeira belt, Brazil
T Conte, C Cavalcante, LE Lagoeiro, H Fossen, CS Silveira
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 103, 102750, 2020
Texture development during progressive deformation of hematite aggregates: Constraints from VPSC models and naturally deformed iron oxides from Minas Gerais, Brazil
F Ferreira, L Lagoeiro, LFG Morales, CG de Oliveira, P Barbosa, C Ávila, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 90, 111-127, 2016
Berzerra de Holanda, MH, Boyer, B., 2014. Thermal conditions during deformation of partially molten crust from TitaniQ geothermometry: rheological implications for the …
GCG Cavalcante, A Vauchez, C Merlet
Relation between finite strain geometry and quartz petrofabrics in a folded conglomerate in the Norwegian Caledonides
CCCC Sérgio Eduardo Jaensch, Leonardo E. Lagoeiro, Haakon Fossen
Journal of Structural Geology 160, 2022
The North Sea rift basement records extensional collapse of the Caledonian orogen
H Fossen, I Polonio, MS Bauck, C Cavalcante
Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 206, 2024
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