Keith Mayes
Keith Mayes
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Practical NFC peer-to-peer relay attack using mobile phones
L Francis, G Hancke, K Mayes, K Markantonakis
Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Privacy Issues: 6th …, 2010
Smart cards, tokens, security and applications
KE Mayes, K Markantonakis
Springer, 2008
Practical relay attack on contactless transactions by using NFC mobile phones
L Francis, G Hancke, K Mayes, K Markantonakis
Radio Frequency Identification System Security, 21-32, 2012
Confidence in smart token proximity: Relay attacks revisited
GP Hancke, KE Mayes, K Markantonakis
Computers & Security 28 (7), 615-627, 2009
NFC mobile transactions and authentication based on GSM network
W Chen, GP Hancke, KE Mayes, Y Lien, JH Chiu
2010 Second International Workshop on Near Field Communication, 83-89, 2010
Security challenges for user-oriented RFID applications within the" Internet of things"
GP Hancke, K Markantonakis, KE Mayes
Journal of Internet Technology 11 (3), 307-313, 2010
HB-MP+ Protocol: An Improvement on the HB-MP Protocol
X Leng, K Mayes, K Markantonakis
2008 IEEE international conference on RFID, 118-124, 2008
Security, privacy and safety evaluation of dynamic and static fleets of drones
RN Akram, K Markantonakis, K Mayes, O Habachi, D Sauveron, ...
2017 IEEE/AIAA 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-12, 2017
Attacking smart card systems: Theory and practice
K Markantonakis, M Tunstall, G Hancke, I Askoxylakis, K Mayes
information security technical report 14 (2), 46-56, 2009
Reading order independent grouping proof for RFID tags
Y Lien, X Leng, K Mayes, JH Chiu
2008 IEEE international conference on intelligence and security informatics …, 2008
Log your car: The non-invasive vehicle forensics
H Mansor, K Markantonakis, RN Akram, K Mayes, I Gurulian
2016 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, 974-982, 2016
Potential misuse of NFC enabled mobile phones with embedded security elements as contactless attack platforms
L Francis, G Hancke, K Mayes, K Markantonakis
2009 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured …, 2009
Using 3G network components to enable NFC mobile transactions and authentication
WD Chen, GP Hancke, KE Mayes, Y Lien, JH Chiu
2010 ieee international conference on progress in informatics and computing …, 2010
Precise instruction-level side channel profiling of embedded processors
M Msgna, K Markantonakis, K Mayes
Information Security Practice and Experience: 10th International Conference …, 2014
A paradigm shift in smart card ownership model
RN Akram, K Markantonakis, K Mayes
2010 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications …, 2010
NFC mobile payment with Citizen Digital Certificate
WD Chen, KE Mayes, YH Lien, JH Chiu
The 2nd International Conference on Next Generation Information Technology …, 2011
Philanthropy on the Blockchain
D Jayasinghe, S Cobourne, K Markantonakis, RN Akram, K Mayes
Information Security Theory and Practice: 11th IFIP WG 11.2 International …, 2018
Secure improved cloud-based RFID authentication protocol
S Abughazalah, K Markantonakis, K Mayes
International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, 147-164, 2014
Optimistic fair-exchange with anonymity for bitcoin users
D Jayasinghe, K Markantonakis, K Mayes
2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Business Engineering, 44-51, 2014
Errata to: Secure smart embedded devices, platforms and applications
K Markantonakis, K Mayes
Secure Smart Embedded Devices, Platforms and Applications, E3-E14, 2014
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