Francesco Viti
SPECIALIST: A dynamic speed limit control algorithm based on shock wave theory
A Hegyi, SP Hoogendoorn, M Schreuder, H Stoelhorst, F Viti
2008 11th international ieee conference on intelligent transportation …, 2008
Joint modeling of advanced travel information service, habit, and learning impacts on route choice by laboratory simulator experiments
EAI Bogers, F Viti, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Record 1926 (1), 189-197, 2005
Calibration of a microscopic simulation model for emission calculation
L Jie, H Van Zuylen, Y Chen, F Viti, I Wilmink
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 31, 172-184, 2013
Assessing partial observability in network sensor location problems
F Viti, M Rinaldi, F Corman, CMJ Tampère
Transportation research part B: methodological 70, 65-89, 2014
Mixed-fleet single-terminal bus scheduling problem: Modelling, solution scheme and potential applications
M Rinaldi, E Picarelli, A D'Ariano, F Viti
Omega 96, 102070, 2020
Probabilistic models for queues at fixed control signals
F Viti, HJ Van Zuylen
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44 (1), 120-135, 2010
Driving behavior interaction with ACC: results from a Field Operational Test in the Netherlands
F Viti, SP Hoogendoorn, TP Alkim, G Bootsma
2008 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 745-750, 2008
Dynamic origin–destination estimation in congested networks: theoretical findings and implications in practice
R Frederix, F Viti, CMJ Tampère
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9 (6), 494-513, 2013
Modeling queues at signalized intersections
F Viti, HJ van Zuylen
Transportation Research Record 1883 (1), 68-77, 2004
New gradient approximation method for dynamic origin–destination matrix estimation on congested networks
R Frederix, F Viti, R Corthout, CMJ Tampère
Transportation Research Record 2263 (1), 19-25, 2011
The dynamics and the uncertainty of delays at signals
F Viti
Netherlands TRAIL Research School, 2006
Non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models
R Corthout, G Flötteröd, F Viti, CMJ Tampère
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46 (3), 343-359, 2012
A probabilistic model for traffic at actuated control signals
F Viti, HJ Van Zuylen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 18 (3), 299-310, 2010
Sensor locations for reliable travel time prediction and dynamic management of traffic networks
F Viti, W Verbeke, CMJ Tampère
Transportation Research Record 2049 (1), 103-110, 2008
Microscopic energy consumption modelling of electric buses: model development, calibration, and validation
C Fiori, M Montanino, S Nielsen, M Seredynski, F Viti
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 98, 102978, 2021
Workplace relocation and mobility changes in a transnational metropolitan area: The case of the University of Luxembourg
F Sprumont, F Viti, G Caruso, A König
Transportation Research Procedia 4, 286-299, 2014
Analysis of cooperative bus priority at traffic signals
M Seredynski, G Laskaris, F Viti
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (5), 1929-1940, 2019
Multiline holding based control for lines merging to a shared transit corridor
G Laskaris, O Cats, E Jenelius, M Rinaldi, F Viti
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 7 (1), 1062-1095, 2019
Optimal dispatching of electric and hybrid buses subject to scheduling and charging constraints
M Rinaldi, F Parisi, G Laskaris, A D'Ariano, F Viti
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
The dynamics and the uncertainty of queues at fixed and actuated controls: A probabilistic approach
F Viti, HJ Van Zuylen
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 13 (1), 39-51, 2009
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