Michelle C Hauer
Michelle C Hauer
University of Southern California
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Intraocular camera for retinal prostheses
PJ Nasiatka, MC Hauer, NRB Stiles, AR Tanguay Jr, MS Humayun
US Patent 8,197,539, 2012
Monitoring and control of polarization-related impairments in optical fiber systems
AE Willner, SMRM Nezam, L Yan, Z Pan, MC Hauer
Journal of lightwave technology 22 (1), 106-125, 2004
Optically assisted internet routing using arrays of novel dynamically reconfigurable FBG-based correlators
MC Hauer, JE McGeehan, S Kumar, JD Touch, J Bannister, ER Lyons, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 21 (11), 2765, 2003
All-optical address recognition for optically-assisted routing in next-generation optical networks
AE Willner, D Gurkan, AB Sahin, JE McGeehan, MC Hauer
IEEE Communications Magazine 41 (5), S38-S44, 2003
Higher order polarization mode dispersion compensation using a fixed time delay followed by a variable time delay
Q Yu, LS Yan, Y Xie, M Hauer, AE Willner
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 13 (8), 863-865, 2002
Polarization-mode-dispersion emulator using variable differential-group-delay (DGD) elements and its use for experimental importance sampling
L Yan, MC Hauer, Y Shi, XS Yao, P Ebrahimi, Y Wang, AE Willner, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 22 (4), 1051, 2004
Electrically controllable all-fiber PMD emulator using a compact array of thin-film microheaters
MC Hauer, Q Yu, ER Lyons, CH Lin, AA Au, HP Lee, AE Willner
Journal of Lightwave Technology 22 (4), 1059, 2004
Practical solutions to polarization-mode-dispersion emulation and compensation
L Yan, XS Yao, MC Hauer, AE Willner
Journal of lightwave technology 24 (11), 3992-4005, 2006
Multiwavelength-channel header recognition for reconfigurable WDM networks using optical correlators based on sampled fiber Bragg gratings
JE McGeehan, MC Hauer, AB Sahin, AE Willner
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15 (10), 1464-1466, 2003
Compact, all-fiber PMD emulator using an integrated series of thin-film micro-heaters
MC Hauer, Q Yu, AE Willner, ER Lyons, CH Lin, AA Au, HP Lee
Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 374-375, 2002
PMD emulation
AE Willner, MC Hauer
Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications Reports 1, 181-200, 2004
Dynamically reconfigurable all-optical correlators to support ultra-fast internet routing
MC Hauer, J McGeehan, J Touch, P Kamath, J Bannister, ER Lyons, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, WM7, 2002
An intraocular camera for retinal prostheses: Restoring sight to the blind
NRB Stiles, BP McIntosh, PJ Nasiatka, MC Hauer, JD Weiland, ...
Optical Processes in Microparticles and Nanostructures: A Festschrift …, 2011
High-speed, stable and repeatable PMD emulator with tunable statistics
LS Yan, M Hauer, AE Willner, X Yeh, G Yang, L Lin, Z Chen, Y Shi, ...
OFC 2003 Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2003., 6-7, 2003
Enhanced higher-order PMD compensation using a variable time delay between polarizations
Q Yu, L Yan, S Lee, Y Xie, M Hauer, Z Pan, AE Willner
Proc. ECOC 2, 47-48, 2000
Simultaneous PMD monitoring of several WDM channels using subcarrier tones
SMRM Nezam, Y Wang, M Hauer, S Lee, AE Willner
Technical Digest. Summaries of papers presented at the Conference on Lasers …, 2001
Statistics of polarization dependant gain in Raman fiber amplifiers due to PMD
P Ebrahimi, MC Hauer, Q Yu, R Khosravani, D Gurkan, DW Kim, DW Lee, ...
Technical Digest. Summaries of papers presented at the Conference on Lasers …, 2001
Polarization-insensitive all-optical wavelength conversion using dispersion-shifted fiber with a fiber Bragg grating and a Faraday rotator mirror
C Yu, Z Pan, Y Wang, YW Song, D Gurkan, MC Hauer, D Starodubov, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16 (8), 1906-1908, 2004
Optical header recognition using fiber Bragg grating correlators
JE McGeehan, MC Hauer, AE Willner
IEEE LEOS Newsletter 16 (4), 29-32, 2002
Demonstration of multi-wavelength all-optical header recognition using a PPLN and optical correlators
D Gurkan, MC Hauer, AB Sahin, Z Pan, S Lee, AE Willner, ...
Proceedings 27th European Conference on Optical Communication (Cat. No …, 2001
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