Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A novel three-phase high-power soft-switched DC/DC converter for low-voltage fuel cell applications
C Liu, A Johnson, JS Lai
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 41 (6), 1691-1697, 2005
Measuring polymerization shrinkage of photo-activated restorative materials by a water-filled dilatometer
JH Lai, AE Johnson
Dental Materials 9 (2), 139-143, 1993
Determination of synthetic colours in foods using high-performance liquid chromatography
NP Boley, NG Bunton, NT Crosby, AE Johnson, P Roper, L Somers
Analyst 105 (1251), 589-599, 1980
Mechanical properties of open-cell foam synthetic thoracic vertebrae
AE Johnson, TS Keller
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 19, 1317-1323, 2008
Metabonomic profiling of chicken eggs during storage using high-performance liquid chromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
AE Johnson, KL Sidwick, VR Pirgozliev, A Edge, DF Thompson
Analytical chemistry 90 (12), 7489-7494, 2018
Use of liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and metabonomic profiling to differentiate between normally slaughtered and dead on arrival poultry meat
KL Sidwick, AE Johnson, CD Adam, L Pereira, DF Thompson
Analytical chemistry 89 (22), 12131-12136, 2017
Artificial bones and methods of making same
FA Miller, AE Johnson
US Patent 8,210,852, 2012
Organosilicon dental composite restoratives based on 1, 3-bis [(p-acryloxymethyl) phenethyl] tetramethyldisiloxane
JH Lai, AE Johnson, RB Douglas
Dental Materials 20 (6), 570-578, 2004
The use of metabonomics to uncover differences between the small molecule profiles of eggs from cage and barn housing systems
AE Johnson, KL Sidwick, VR Pirgozliev, A Edge, DF Thompson
Food Control 100, 165-170, 2019
Effect of rearing temperature on physiological measures and antioxidant status of broiler chickens fed stevia (Stevia rebaudiana B.) leaf meal and exogenous xylanase
V Pirgozliev, IM Whiting, SC Mansbridge, S Enchev, SP Rose, K Kljak, ...
Current research in biotechnology 3, 173-181, 2021
The analogue spine model: The first anatomically and mechanically correct synthetic physical model of the lumbar spine
J Domann, D Mar, A Johnson, J James, E Friis
The Spine Journal 11 (10), S155-S156, 2011
Polymyositis and antibody to signal recognition particle
IN Targoff, AE Johnson, FW Miller
CLINICAL RESEARCH 36 (3), A537-A537, 1988
The effect of storage temperature on the metabolic profiles derived from chicken eggs
AE Johnson, KL Sidwick, VR Pirgozliev, A Edge, DF Thompson
Food Control 109, 106930, 2020
The benefits of exogenous xylanase in wheat–soy based broiler chicken diets, consisting of different soluble non-starch polysaccharides content
VR Pirgozliev, SC Mansbridge, IM Whiting, JM Abdulla, SP Rose, K Kljak, ...
Poultry 2 (2), 123-133, 2023
A novel phase-shifting circuit using digital first-in-first-out (FIFO) for multiphase power converter interleaved control
C Liu, A Johnson, JS Lai
2004 IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, 2004. Proceedings., 80-84, 2004
Synthetic soft tissue characterization of the mechanical analogue lumbar spine
EE Avidano, LJ LaPierre, EA Friis, JE James, AE Johnson
Feeding graded levels of dried Sea buckthorn (Hippophaes rhamnoides) berries to broiler chickens
V Pirgozliev, SC Mansbridge, IM Whiting, SP Rose, K Kljak, AE Johnson, ...
Annals of applied biology 183 (1), 7-14, 2023
An investigation into the detection of fraud during poultry egg production: a metabonomic approach using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
AE Johnson
Neuron-specific interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (AcPb) modulates sleep-and wake-like states in vivo and in vitro
P Taishi, K Jewett, A Johnson, CJ Davis, K Quigley, S Roy, JM Krueger
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 49, e1, 2015
Baseline diet quality using the Healthy Eating Index-2015 for African American girls in an online obesity prevention program
C Callender, A Johnson, Y Mirabile, S Musaad, DJ Thompson
Meeting Abstract, 8-11, 2022
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