Bradley Goodyear
Bradley Goodyear
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Cerebral cortical representation of automatic and volitional swallowing in humans
RE Martin, BG Goodyear, JS Gati, RS Menon
Journal of neurophysiology 85 (2), 938-950, 2001
Cue-induced brain activity in pathological gamblers
DN Crockford, B Goodyear, J Edwards, J Quickfall, N El-Guebaly
Biological psychiatry 58 (10), 787-795, 2005
Association of thalamic dysconnectivity and conversion to psychosis in youth and young adults at elevated clinical risk
A Anticevic, K Haut, JD Murray, G Repovs, GJ Yang, C Diehl, SC McEwen, ...
JAMA psychiatry 72 (9), 882-891, 2015
Magnetic resonance imaging at 3.0 Tesla: challenges and advantages in clinical neurological imaging
R Frayne, BG Goodyear, P Dickhoff, ML Lauzon, RJ Sevick
Investigative radiology 38 (7), 385-402, 2003
Longitudinal evaluation of resting-state FMRI after acute stroke with hemiparesis
AM Golestani, S Tymchuk, A Demchuk, BG Goodyear, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 27 (2), 153-163, 2013
Functional connectivity of neural motor networks is disrupted in children with developmental coordination disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
KR McLeod, LM Langevin, BG Goodyear, D Dewey
NeuroImage: Clinical 4, 566-575, 2014
Cerebello-thalamo-cortical hyperconnectivity as a state-independent functional neural signature for psychosis prediction and characterization
H Cao, OY Chén, Y Chung, JK Forsyth, SC McEwen, DG Gee, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3836, 2018
Submillimeter functional localization in human striate cortex using BOLD contrast at 4 Tesla: implications for the vascular point‐spread function
RS Menon, BG Goodyear
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 1999
Multisite reliability of MR-based functional connectivity
S Noble, D Scheinost, ES Finn, X Shen, X Papademetris, SC McEwen, ...
Neuroimage 146, 959-970, 2017
Neural correlates of concreteness in semantic categorization
PM Pexman, IS Hargreaves, JD Edwards, LC Henry, BG Goodyear
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (8), 1407-1419, 2007
Reduced intrinsic connectivity of amygdala in adults with major depressive disorder
R Ramasubbu, N Konduru, F Cortese, S Bray, I Gaxiola-Valdez, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 5, 17, 2014
Brief visual stimulation allows mapping of ocular dominance in visual cortex using fMRI
BG Goodyear, RS Menon
Human brain mapping 14 (4), 210-217, 2001
Neurovascular decoupling is associated with severity of cerebral amyloid angiopathy
S Peca, CR McCreary, E Donaldson, G Kumarpillai, N Shobha, ...
Neurology 81 (19), 1659-1665, 2013
BOLD fMRI response of early visual areas to perceived contrast in human amblyopia
BG Goodyear, DA Nicolle, GK Humphrey, RS Menon
Journal of Neurophysiology 84 (4), 1907-1913, 2000
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is associated with executive dysfunction and mild cognitive impairment
NF Case, A Charlton, A Zwiers, S Batool, CR McCreary, DB Hogan, ...
Stroke 47 (8), 2010-2016, 2016
Neural correlates of pathological gamblers preference for immediate rewards during the Iowa Gambling Task: an fMRI study
Y Power, B Goodyear, D Crockford
Journal of Gambling Studies 28, 623-636, 2012
Effect of luminance contrast on BOLD fMRI response in human primary visual areas
BG Goodyear, RS Menon
Journal of Neurophysiology 79 (4), 2204-2207, 1998
Simultaneous 3-T fMRI and high-density recording of human auditory evoked potentials
CJ Scarff, A Reynolds, BG Goodyear, CW Ponton, JC Dort, JJ Eggermont
Neuroimage 23 (3), 1129-1142, 2004
The neural consequences of semantic richness
PM Pexman, IS Hargreaves, JD Edwards, LC Henry, BG Goodyear
Psychological science 18 (5), 401-406, 2007
A new local multiscale Fourier analysis for medical imaging
H Zhu, BG Goodyear, ML Lauzon, RA Brown, GS Mayer, AG Law, ...
Medical physics 30 (6), 1134-1141, 2003
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