keith haines
keith haines
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Sea ice decline and 21st century trans‐Arctic shipping routes
N Melia, K Haines, E Hawkins
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (18), 9720-9728, 2016
Altimetric assimilation with water property conservation
M Cooper, K Haines
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C1), 1059-1077, 1996
The ocean reanalyses intercomparison project (ORA-IP)
MA Balmaseda, F Hernandez, A Storto, MD Palmer, O Alves, L Shi, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 8 (sup1), s80-s97, 2015
Eddy‐forced coherent structures as a prototype of atmospheric blocking
K Haines, J Marshall
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 113 (476), 681-704, 1987
Eddy-permitting ocean circulation hindcasts of past decades
B Barnier, L Brodeau, J Le Sommer, JM Molines, T Penduff, S Theetten, ...
Clivar Exchanges 42 (12 (3)), 8-10, 2007
Modeling the paleocirculation of the Mediterranean: The Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene with emphasis on the formation of sapropel S 1
PG Myers, K Haines, EJ Rohling
Paleoceanography 13 (6), 586-606, 1998
Drivers and impacts of Eastern African rainfall variability
PI Palmer, CM Wainwright, B Dong, RI Maidment, KG Wheeler, N Gedney, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 4 (4), 254-270, 2023
Isolating the signal of ocean global warming
MD Palmer, K Haines, SFB Tett, TJ Ansell
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (23), 2007
How does the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) retain its population structure during its larval migration across the North Atlantic Ocean?
AJ Kettle, K Haines
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (1), 90-106, 2006
Modeling the dispersal of Levantine Intermediate Water and its role in Mediterranean deep water formation
P Wu, K Haines
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C3), 6591-6607, 1996
An assessment of ten ocean reanalyses in the polar regions
P Uotila, H Goosse, K Haines, M Chevallier, A Barthélemy, C Bricaud, ...
Climate Dynamics 52, 1613-1650, 2019
Use of the temperature–salinity relation in a data assimilation context
A Troccoli, K Haines
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 16 (12), 2011-2025, 1999
Intercomparison of the Arctic sea ice cover in global ocean–sea ice reanalyses from the ORA-IP project
M Chevallier, GC Smith, F Dupont, JF Lemieux, G Forget, Y Fujii, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 1107-1136, 2017
Ocean heat content variability and change in an ensemble of ocean reanalyses
MD Palmer, CD Roberts, M Balmaseda, YS Chang, G Chepurin, N Ferry, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 909-930, 2017
The need for a dynamical climate reanalysis
L Bengtsson, P Arkin, P Berrisford, P Bougeault, CK Folland, C Gordon, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88 (4), 495-501, 2007
Modelling the global coastal ocean
J Holt, J Harle, R Proctor, S Michel, M Ashworth, C Batstone, I Allen, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2009
An assessment of air–sea heat fluxes from ocean and coupled reanalyses
M Valdivieso, K Haines, M Balmaseda, YS Chang, M Drevillon, N Ferry, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 983-1008, 2017
Ocean reanalyses: recent advances and unsolved challenges
A Storto, A Alvera-Azcárate, MA Balmaseda, A Barth, M Chevallier, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 418, 2019
Review and assessment of latent and sensible heat flux accuracy over the global oceans
A Bentamy, JF Piolle, A Grouazel, R Danielson, S Gulev, F Paul, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 201, 196-218, 2017
Origin and impact of initialization shocks in coupled atmosphere–ocean forecasts
DP Mulholland, P Laloyaux, K Haines, MA Balmaseda
Monthly Weather Review 143 (11), 4631-4644, 2015
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