Abdel-Salam G. Abdel-Salam
Abdel-Salam G. Abdel-Salam
Associate Professor of Applied Statistics, Qatar University.
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Testing statistical assumptions in research
JP Verma, ASG Abdel-Salam
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
On the use and evaluation of prospective scan methods for health-related surveillance
WH Woodall, J Brooke Marshall, MD Joner Jr, SE Fraker, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 171 …, 2008
The performance of the adaptive exponentially weighted moving average control chart with estimated parameters
NA Saleh, MA Mahmoud, ASG Abdel‐Salam
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 29 (4), 595-606, 2013
Determinants of poor academic performance among undergraduate students—A systematic literature review
RAN Al-Tameemi, C Johnson, R Gitay, ASG Abdel-Salam, K Al Hazaa, ...
International Journal of Educational Research Open 4, 100232, 2023
Student support in higher education: campus service utilization, impact, and challenges
C Johnson, R Gitay, ASG Abdel-Salam, A BenSaid, R Ismail, ...
Heliyon 8 (12), 2022
A semiparametric mixed model approach to phase I profile monitoring
ASG Abdel‐Salam, JB Birch, WA Jensen
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 29 (4), 555-569, 2013
Forecasting the impact of environmental stresses on the frequent waves of COVID19
Z Yu, ASG Abdel-Salam, A Sohail, F Alam
Nonlinear Dynamics 106, 1509-1523, 2021
Press freedom and corruption: An examination of the relationship
BI Hamada, ASG Abdel-Salam, EA Elkilany
Global Media and Communication 15 (3), 303-321, 2019
A novel approach for developing composite eco-efficiency indicators: The case for US food consumption
GM Abdella, M Kucukvar, AA Kutty, AG Abdelsalam, B Sen, ME Bulak, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 299, 126931, 2021
A semiparametric nonlinear mixed model approach to phase I profile monitoring
AS Gomaa, JB Birch
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 48 (6), 1677-1693, 2019
Evaluation of driver perception–reaction time under rainy or wet roadway conditions at onset of yellow indication
I El-Shawarby, ASG Abdel-Salam, H Rakha
Transportation research record 2384 (1), 18-24, 2013
Seird model for Qatar covid-19 outbreak: a case study
R Ghanam, EL Boone, ASG Abdel-Salam
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.12777, 2020
A mixed model-based Johnson's relative weights for eco-efficiency assessment: The case for global food consumption
GM Abdella, M Kucukvar, R Ismail, AG Abdelsalam, NC Onat, O Dawoud
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 89, 106588, 2021
Bayesian Monitoring of Linear Profiles Using DEWMA Control Structures With Random
SA Abbasi, T Abbas, M Riaz, AS Gomaa
IEEE Access 6, 78370-78385, 2018
Multifaceted roles of 5′-regulatory region of the cancer associated gene B4GALT1 and its comparison with the gene family
MAI Al-Obaide, H Alobydi, AG Abdelsalam, R Zhang, KS Srivenugopal
International journal of oncology 47 (4), 1393-1404, 2015
Linear regression crash prediction models: issues and proposed solutions
H Rakha, M Arafeh, AG Abdel-Salam, F Guo, AM Flintsch
Efficient Transportation and Pavement Systems: Characterization, Mechanisms …, 2008
Dynamical analysis of the delayed immune response to cancer
KA Al-Utaibi, A Sohail, Z Yu, R Arif, A Nutini, ASG Abdel-Salam, SM Sait
Results in Physics 26, 104282, 2021
The effects of attendance and high school GPA on student performance in first-year undergraduate courses
K Al Hazaa, ASG Abdel-Salam, R Ismail, C Johnson, RAN Al-Tameemi, ...
Cogent Education 8 (1), 1956857, 2021
Practitioners guide on parametric, nonparametric, and semiparametric profile monitoring
CL Jones, ASG Abdel‐Salam, DA Mays
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 37 (3), 857-881, 2021
Effects of ambient climate and three warming treatments on fruit production in an alpine, subarctic meadow community
JM Alatalo, AK Jägerbrand, J Dai, MD Mollazehi, ASG Abdel‐Salam, ...
American Journal of Botany 108 (3), 411-422, 2021
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