Doug Brungart
Doug Brungart
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Informational and energetic masking effects in the perception of two simultaneous talkers
DS Brungart
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (3), 1101-1109, 2001
Informational and energetic masking effects in the perception of multiple simultaneous talkers
DS Brungart, BD Simpson, MA Ericson, KR Scott
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110 (5), 2527-2538, 2001
Auditory localization of nearby sources. Head-related transfer functions
DS Brungart, WM Rabinowitz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106 (3), 1465-1479, 1999
Auditory distance perception in humans: A summary of past and present research
P Zahorik, DS Brungart, AW Bronkhorst
ACTA Acustica united with Acustica 91 (3), 409-420, 2005
Isolating the energetic component of speech-on-speech masking with ideal time-frequency segregation
DS Brungart, PS Chang, BD Simpson, DL Wang
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120 (6), 4007-4018, 2006
Effects of fundamental frequency and vocal-tract length changes on attention to one of two simultaneous talkers
CJ Darwin, DS Brungart, BD Simpson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114 (5), 2913-2922, 2003
Auditory localization of nearby sources. II. Localization of a broadband source
DS Brungart, NI Durlach, WM Rabinowitz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106 (4), 1956-1968, 1999
The effects of spatial separation in distance on the informational and energetic masking of a nearby speech signal
DS Brungart, BD Simpson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112 (2), 664-676, 2002
Auditory localization of nearby sources. III. Stimulus effects
DS Brungart
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106 (6), 3589-3602, 1999
The quest for ecological validity in hearing science: What it is, why it matters, and how to advance it
G Keidser, G Naylor, DS Brungart, A Caduff, J Campos, S Carlile, ...
Ear and hearing 41, 5S-19S, 2020
Effects of recreational noise on threshold and suprathreshold measures of auditory function
ANC Fulbright, CG Le Prell, SK Griffiths, E Lobarinas
Seminars in hearing 38 (04), 298-318, 2017
Within-ear and across-ear interference in a cocktail-party listening task
DS Brungart, BD Simpson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112 (6), 2985-2995, 2002
Evaluation of speech intelligibility with the coordinate response measure
DS Brungart
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (5), 2276-2279, 2001
Informational masking of speech in children: Auditory-visual integration
F Wightman, D Kistler, D Brungart
The journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119 (6), 3940-3949, 2006
Cocktail party listening in a dynamic multitalker environment
DS Brungart, BD Simpson
Perception & psychophysics 69 (1), 79-91, 2007
Factors that influence intelligibility in multitalker speech displays
MA Ericson, DS Brungart, BD Simpson
The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 14 (3), 313-334, 2004
The effects of production and presentation level on the auditory distance perception of speech
DS Brungart, KR Scott
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110 (1), 425-440, 2001
Better-ear glimpsing efficiency with symmetrically-placed interfering talkers
DS Brungart, N Iyer
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (4), 2545-2556, 2012
Efficient real spherical harmonic representation of head-related transfer functions
GD Romigh, DS Brungart, RM Stern, BD Simpson
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 9 (5), 921-930, 2015
Having two ears facilitates the perceptual separation of concurrent talkers for bilateral and single-sided deaf cochlear implantees
JGW Bernstein, MJ Goupell, GI Schuchman, AL Rivera, DS Brungart
Ear and Hearing 37 (3), 289-302, 2016
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