Constantin Cranganu
Constantin Cranganu
Professor of Geophysics and Petroleum Geology, The City University of New York
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
In-situ thermal stimulation of gas hydrates
C Cranganu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 65 (1-2), 76-80, 2009
Artificial intelligent approaches in petroleum geosciences
C Cranganu, H Luchian, ME Breaban
Springer International Publishing, 2015
Using gene expression programming to estimate sonic log distributions based on the natural gamma ray and deep resistivity logs: a case study from the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
C Cranganu, E Bautu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (3-4), 243-255, 2010
Heat flow and hydrocarbon generation in the Transylvanian Basin, Romania
C Cranganu, D Deming
AAPG bulletin 80 (10), 1641-1653, 1996
Using support vector regression to estimate sonic log distributions: a case study from the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
C Cranganu, M Breaban
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 103, 1-13, 2013
Self‐sealing in sedimentary basins
D Deming, C Cranganu, Y Lee
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B12), ETG 2-1-ETG 2-9, 2002
Using artificial neural networks to predict the presence of overpressured zones in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
C Cranganu
Pure and Applied Geophysics 164 (10), 2067-2081, 2007
Fast fuzzy modeling method to estimate missing logsin hydrocarbon reservoirs
F Bahrpeyma, B Golchin, C Cranganu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 112, 310-321, 2013
Heat flow in Oklahoma and the south central United States
C Cranganu, Y Lee, D Deming
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B11), 27107-27121, 1998
Petrophysical characteristics of source and reservoir rocks in the Histria Basin, Western Black Sea
C Cranganu, MA Villa, M Saramet, N Zakharova
Journal of Petroleum Geology 32 (4), 357-371, 2009
Capillary sealing as an overpressure mechanism in the Anadarko basin
C Cranganu, MA Villa
AAPG Ann Conv Calgary, Alberta, 2005
Capillary sealing in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
C Cranganu
Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences 26 (1/2), 35-42, 2004
Active learning method for estimating missing logs in hydrocarbon reservoirs
F Bahrpeyma, C Cranganu, BZ Dadaneh
Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum Geosciences, 209-224, 2015
Use of active learning method to determine the presence and estimate the magnitude of abnormally pressured fluid zones: a case study from the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
C Cranganu, F Bahrpeyma
Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum Geosciences, 191-208, 2015
A method for producing natural gas from gas hydrate deposits
C Cranganu
Proceedings of the AAPG annual convention, 2005
Quantitative estimation of expelled fluids from Oligocene rocks, Histria Basin, Western Black Sea
M Saramet, G Gavrilescu, C Cranganu
Marine and petroleum geology 25 (6), 544-552, 2008
Looking for gas layers in the Anadarko Basin
C Cranganu
Oklahoma Geology Notes 65 (3), 72-77, 2005
Carbon dioxide sealing capacity: Textural or compositional controls? A case study from the Oklahoma Panhandle
C Cranganu, H Soleymani
AAPG/DEG Environmental Geosciences 22 (2), 57-74, 2015
Natural gas and petroleum: production strategies, environmental implications, and future challenges
C Cranganu
(No Title), 2013
Using artificial neural networks to predict abnormal pressures in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
C Cranganu
4th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, cp-26-00083, 2005
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