Michael Armbrust
Michael Armbrust
Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A view of cloud computing
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, R Katz, A Konwinski, G Lee, ...
Communications of the ACM 53 (4), 50-58, 2010
Apache spark: a unified engine for big data processing
M Zaharia, RS Xin, P Wendell, T Das, M Armbrust, A Dave, X Meng, ...
Communications of the ACM 59 (11), 56-65, 2016
Spark sql: Relational data processing in spark
M Armbrust, RS Xin, C Lian, Y Huai, D Liu, JK Bradley, X Meng, T Kaftan, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of …, 2015
Lakehouse: a new generation of open platforms that unify data warehousing and advanced analytics
M Armbrust, A Ghodsi, R Xin, M Zaharia
Proceedings of CIDR 8, 28, 2021
Structured streaming: A declarative api for real-time applications in apache spark
M Armbrust, T Das, J Torres, B Yavuz, S Zhu, R Xin, A Ghodsi, I Stoica, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 601-613, 2018
Delta lake: high-performance ACID table storage over cloud object stores
M Armbrust, T Das, L Sun, B Yavuz, S Zhu, M Murthy, J Torres, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 3411-3424, 2020
Drizzle: Fast and adaptable stream processing at scale
S Venkataraman, A Panda, K Ousterhout, M Armbrust, A Ghodsi, ...
Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 374-389, 2017
Scaling spark in the real world: performance and usability
M Armbrust, T Das, A Davidson, A Ghodsi, A Or, J Rosen, I Stoica, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (12), 1840-1843, 2015
Scads: Scale-independent storage for social computing applications
M Armbrust, A Fox, D Patterson, N Lanham, B Trushkowsky, J Trutna, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.1775, 2009
G-ola: Generalized on-line aggregation for interactive analysis on big data
K Zeng, S Agarwal, A Dave, M Armbrust, I Stoica
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2015
PIQL: Success-tolerant query processing in the cloud
M Armbrust, K Curtis, T Kraska, A Fox, MJ Franklin, DA Patterson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.7166, 2011
& Zaharia, M.(2009)
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, RH Katz, A Konwinski, G Lee, ...
Above the clouds: A berkeley view of cloud computing 17, 0
Update and query of a large collection of files that represent a single dataset stored on a blob store
MP Armbrust, S Zhu, B Yavuz
US Patent 10,769,130, 2020
A case for adaptive datacenters to conserve energy and improve reliability
P Bodik, MP Armbrust, K Canini, A Fox, M Jordan, DA Patterson
University of California at Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2008-127, 2008
Generalized scale independence through incremental precomputation
M Armbrust, E Liang, T Kraska, A Fox, MJ Franklin, DA Patterson
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2013
Structured cluster execution for data streams
M Armbrust, T Das, S Xin, M Zaharia
US Patent 10,558,664, 2020
Update and query of a large collection of files that represent a single dataset stored on a blob store
MP Armbrust, S Zhu, B Yavuz
US Patent 11,308,071, 2022
Structured cluster execution for data streams
MP Armbrust, T Das, S Xin, M Zaharia
US Patent 11,514,045, 2022
Above the clouds: A Berkeley view of cloud computing. EECS Dept
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, R Katz, A Konwinski, G Lee, ...
Univ. California, Berkeley, No. UCB/EECS-2009-28 [Online]. Available: http …, 2009
Above the clouds
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, RH Katz, A Konwinski, G Lee, ...
A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing, Electrical Engineering and Computer …, 2009
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20