Kristian Bell
Kristian Bell
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Reptile responses to anthropogenic habitat modification: A global meta‐analysis
TS Doherty, S Balouch, K Bell, TJ Burns, A Feldman, C Fist, TF Garvey, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (7), 1265-1279, 2020
How fire interacts with habitat loss and fragmentation
DA Driscoll, D Armenteras, AF Bennett, L Brotons, MF Clarke, TS Doherty, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (3), 976-998, 2021
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
BMC biology 23 (1), 35, 2025
Ontogenetic shifts in a prey’s chemical defences influence feeding responses of a snake predator
J Llewelyn, K Bell, L Schwarzkopf, RA Alford, R Shine
Oecologia 169, 965-973, 2012
Moving day and night: highly labile diel activity patterns in a tropical snake
R Abom, K Bell, L Hodgson, L Schwarzkopf
Biotropica 44 (4), 554-559, 2012
Detrimental influence on performance of high temperature incubation in a tropical reptile: is cooler better in the tropics?
K Bell, S Blomberg, L Schwarzkopf
Oecologia 171, 83-91, 2013
Predators, prey or temperature? Mechanisms driving niche use of a foundation plant species by specialist lizards
KJ Bell, TS Doherty, DA Driscoll
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1947), 20202633, 2021
Abundance, condition and size of a foundation species vary with altered soil conditions, remnant type and potential competitors
K Bell, DA Driscoll, J Patykowski, TS Doherty
Ecosystems 24 (6), 1516-1530, 2021
Slow loss of a foundation species in agricultural landscapes: Effects of nutrients, land clearing, and other factors
K Bell, DA Driscoll, TS Doherty
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 323, 107681, 2022
Restoration of a declining foundation plant species: Testing the roles of competitor suppression, fire reintroduction and herbivore exclusion
K Bell, TS Doherty, T Wevill, DA Driscoll
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (7), 1852-1862, 2022
Threatened fauna that use blue carbon ecosystems: A review from Australia
K Bell, S Nuyts, C Bie, V Hagger, P Macreadie, M Wartman
Biological Conservation 303, 111030, 2025
Large‐scale and long‐term wildlife research and monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis
T Bruce, Z Amir, BL Allen, BF Alting, M Amos, J Augusteyn, GA Ballard, ...
Biological Reviews, 2025
The ecology, function and conservation of a foundation plant species (Triodia scariosa) in agricultural landscapes
K Bell
Deakin University, 2021
Threatened Fauna that Use Blue Carbon Ecosystems: A Review and Web Tool from Australia
K Bell, S Nuyts, CS Bie, V Hagger, PI Macreadie, M Wartman
Available at SSRN 5032983, 0
Excluding Livestock from Farm Dams Enhances Species Richness, Functional Biodiversity and Community Structure
K Bell, MJ Evans, D Lindenmayer, BC Scheele, DG Smith, ME Malerba
Functional Biodiversity and Community Structure, 0
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