Elizabeth Bagley
Elizabeth Bagley
Post-doctoral Fellow
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Epistemic network analysis: A prototype for 21st-century assessment of learning
DW Shaffer, D Hatfield, GN Svarovsky, P Nash, A Nulty, E Bagley, K Frank, ...
International Journal of Learning and Media 1 (2), 33-53, 2009
When people get in the way: Promoting civic thinking through epistemic gameplay
E Bagley, DW Shaffer
International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) 1 …, 2009
Design of a professional practice simulator for educating and motivating first-year engineering students
NC Chesler, G Arastoopour Irgens, CM D'angelo, EA Bagley, DW Shaffer
Advances in Engineering Education, 2013
Science in writing: Learning scientific argument in principle and practice
B Cope, M Kalantzis, F Abd-El-Khalick, E Bagley
E-learning and Digital Media 10 (4), 420-441, 2013
Stop talking and type: comparing virtual and face‐to‐face mentoring in an epistemic game
EA Bagley, DW Shaffer
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 31 (6), 606-622, 2015
Modeling learning progressions in epistemic games with epistemic network analysis: Principles for data analysis and generation
AA Rupp, Y Choi, M Gushta, R Mislevy, E Bagley, P Nash, D Hatfield, ...
Proceedings from the learning progressions in science conference, 24-26, 2009
Learning in an urban and regional planning practicum: The view from educational ethnography
E Bagley, DW Shaffer
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 26 (4), 369-393, 2015
Promoting civic thinking through epistemic game play
EAS Bagley, DW Shaffer
Discoveries in gaming and computer-mediated simulations: New …, 2011
A virtual hemodialyzer design project for first-year engineers: An epistemic game approach
NC Chesler, E Bagley, E Breckenfeld, D West, DW Shaffer
Summer Bioengineering Conference 44038, 585-586, 2010
Stop talking and type: mentoring in a virtual and face-to-face environmental education environment
EAS Bagley
University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2011
The epistemography of urban and regional planning 912: Appropriation in the face of resistance
E Bagley, DW Shaffer
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2010
The epistemography of an urban and regional planning practicum: Appropriation in the face of resistance
E Bagley, DW Shaffer
WCER Work. Pap, 2010
Typed versus spoken conversations in a multi-party epistemic game
B Morgan, C Burkett, E Bagley, A Graesser
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International Conference, AIED …, 2011
Reflection in professional play
D Hatfield, DW Shaffer, ES Bagley, A Nulty, P Nash
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference …, 2008
Playing for Public Interest: Epistemic Games as civic engagement activities
P Nash, EAS Bagley, DW Shaffer
American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 2012
Epistemic mentoring in virtual and face-to-face environments
E Bagley, DW Shaffer
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
The Epistemography of an Urban and Regional Planning Practicum: Appropriation in the Face of Resistance. WCER Working Paper No. 2010-8.
E Bagley
Wisconsin Center for Education Research (NJ1), 2010
Professional practice simulations for engaging, educating, and assessing undergraduate engineers
NC Chesler, EA Bagley, DW Shaffer
Intl. Conf. Learn. Sci. Eng. Workshop, 2010
Comments of journalism mentors on news stories: Classification and epistemic status of mentor contributions
A Graesser, Z Cai, J Wood, D Hatfield, E Bagley, P Nash, D Shaffer
Intelligent Tutoring Technologies for Ill-Defined Problems and Ill-Defined …, 2010
Boost Their Game
NC Chesler, G Arastoopour, CM D'Angelo, EA Bagley, DW Shaffer
ASEE Prism 23 (2), 53, 2013
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