Karel N. van Dalen
Karel N. van Dalen
Associate Professor of Dynamics of Solids and Structures, TU Delft
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A method for identification of an effective Winkler foundation for large-diameter offshore wind turbine support structures based on in-situ measured small-strain soil response …
WG Versteijlen, AV Metrikine, KN van Dalen
Engineering Structures 124, 221-236, 2016
Transition radiation excited by a surface load that moves over the interface of two elastic layers
KN van Dalen, A Tsouvalas, AV Metrikine, JS Hoving
International Journal of Solids and Structures 73, 99-112, 2015
Transition radiation excited by a load moving over the interface of two elastic layers
KN Van Dalen, A Metrikine, A Tsouvalas
EURODYN 2014: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural …, 2014
Transition radiation in a piecewise-linear and infinite one-dimensional structure–a Laplace transform method
AB Fărăgău, AV Metrikine, KN van Dalen
Nonlinear Dynamics 98, 2435-2461, 2019
Retrieving surface waves from ambient seismic noise using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution
KN Van Dalen, TD Mikesell, EN Ruigrok, K Wapenaar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (2), 944-961, 2015
Dynamic analysis of layered systems under a moving harmonic rectangular load based on the spectral element method
Z Sun, C Kasbergen, A Skarpas, K Anupam, KN van Dalen, SMJG Erkens
International Journal of Solids and Structures 180, 45-61, 2019
Effective soil-stiffness validation: Shaker excitation of an in-situ monopile foundation
WG Versteijlen, FW Renting, PLC van der Valk, J Bongers, KN van Dalen, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 102, 241-262, 2017
Surface wave retrieval in layered media using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution
KN van Dalen, K Wapenaar, DF Halliday
Geophysical Journal International 196 (1), 230-242, 2014
Transition radiation in an infinite one-dimensional structure interacting with a moving oscillator—the Green’s function method
AB Fărăgău, T Mazilu, AV Metrikine, T Lu, KN van Dalen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 492, 115804, 2021
Multi-component acoustic characterization of porous media
KN Van Dalen
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
On wavemodes at the interface of a fluid and a fluid-saturated poroelastic solid
KN Van Dalen, GG Drijkoningen, DMJ Smeulders
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 (4), 2240-2251, 2010
Assessing the small-strain soil stiffness for offshore wind turbines based on in situ seismic measurements
WG Versteijlen, KN Van Dalen, AV Metrikine, L Hamre
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 524 (1), 012088, 2014
Transition radiation of elastic waves at the interface of two elastic half-planes
KN van Dalen, AV Metrikine
Journal of Sound and Vibration 310 (3), 702-717, 2008
Effective poroelastic model for one-dimensional wave propagation in periodically layered media
AM Kudarova, KN van Dalen, GG Drijkoningen
Geophysical Journal International 195 (2), 1337-1350, 2013
Modelling ballast via a non-linear lattice to assess its compaction behaviour at railway transition zones
JM de Oliveira Barbosa, AB Fărăgău, KN van Dalen, MJMM Steenbergen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 530, 116942, 2022
A lattice model for transition zones in ballasted railway tracks
JM de Oliveira Barbosa, AB Fărăgău, KN van Dalen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 494, 115840, 2021
The significance of the evanescent spectrum in structure-waveguide interaction problems
A Tsouvalas, KN van Dalen, AV Metrikine
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (4), 2574-2588, 2015
Transition radiation in a nonlinear and infinite one-dimensional structure: a comparison of solution methods
AB Fărăgău, C Keijdener, JM de Oliveira Barbosa, AV Metrikine, ...
Nonlinear Dynamics 103, 1365-1391, 2021
Ground vibration induced by a high-speed train running over inhomogeneous subsoil, transition radiation in two-dimensional inhomogeneous elastic systems
KN Van Dalen
Master’s Thesis, 2006
The effect of the nonlinear velocity and history dependencies of the aerodynamic force on the dynamic response of a rotating wind turbine blade
P van der Male, KN van Dalen, AV Metrikine
Journal of Sound and Vibration 383, 191-209, 2016
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