Osman Nuri Uçan
Osman Nuri Uçan
Altınbaş University Profesor
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Evaluation of face recognition techniques using PCA, wavelets and SVM
E Gumus, N Kilic, A Sertbas, ON Ucan
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (9), 6404-6408, 2010
Breast MR segmentation and lesion detection with cellular neural networks and 3D template matching
G Ertaş, HÖ Gülçür, O Osman, ON Uçan, M Tunacı, M Dursun
Computers in biology and medicine 38 (1), 116-126, 2008
Nodule detection in a lung region that's segmented with using genetic cellular neural networks and 3D template matching with fuzzy rule based thresholding
S Ozekes, O Osman, ON Ucan
Korean journal of radiology 9 (1), 1-9, 2008
Mammographical mass detection and classification using local seed region growing–spherical wavelet transform (lsrg–swt) hybrid scheme
P Görgel, A Sertbas, ON Ucan
Computers in biology and medicine 43 (6), 765-774, 2013
Breast cancer detection and image evaluation using augmented deep convolutional neural networks
SRA Ahmed, ON Uçan, AD Duru, O Bayat
Aurum journal of engineering systems and architecture 2 (2), 121-129, 2018
A grasshopper optimizer approach for feature selection and optimizing SVM parameters utilizing real biomedical data sets
HT Ibrahim, WJ Mazher, ON Ucan, O Bayat
Neural Computing and Applications 31 (10), 5965-5974, 2019
A wavelet-based mammographic image denoising and enhancement with homomorphic filtering
P Gorgel, A Sertbas, ON Ucan
Journal of medical systems 34, 993-1002, 2010
Lung nodule diagnosis using 3D template matching
O Osman, S Ozekes, ON Ucan
Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (8), 1167-1172, 2007
Computer‐aided classification of breast masses in mammogram images based on spherical wavelet transform and support vector machines
P Görgel, A Sertbas, ON Uçan
Expert Systems 32 (1), 155-164, 2015
Application of cellular neural network (CNN) to the prediction of missing air pollutant data
ÜA Şahin, C Bayat, ON Uçan
Atmospheric Research 101 (1-2), 314-326, 2011
Mammographic mass classification using wavelet based support vector machine
P Gorgel, A Sertbaş, N Kılıç, ON Ucan, O Osman
IU-Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering 9 (1), 867-875, 2009
A novel method for lung segmentation on chest CT images: complex-valued artificial neural network with complex wavelet transform
M Ceylan, Y Özbay, ON Ucan, E Yildirim
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 18 (4), 613-624, 2010
An expert system to predict eye disorder using deep convolutional neural network
MR Ahmed, SR Ahmed, AD Duru, ON Uçan, O Bayat
Academic Platform-Journal of Engineering and Science 9 (1), 47-52, 2021
Multiple DGs for reducing total power losses in radial distribution systems using hybrid WOA‐SSA algorithm
KMS Alzaidi, O Bayat, ON Uçan
International Journal of Photoenergy 2019 (1), 2426538, 2019
Feature selection using salp swarm algorithm for real biomedical datasets
HT Ibrahim, WJ Mazher, ON Ucan, O Bayat
IJCSNS 17 (12), 13-20, 2017
Forward modeling with forced neural networks for gravity anomaly profıle
O Osman, AM Albora, ON Ucan
Mathematical Geology 39, 593-605, 2007
Fully automatic liver and tumor segmentation from CT image using an AIM-Unet
F Özcan, ON Uçan, S Karaçam, T Duygu
Bioengineering, 2023
YOLO-V3 based real-time drone detection algorithm
HR Alsanad, AZ Sadik, ON Ucan, M Ilyas, O Bayat
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022
Residual separation of magnetic fields using a cellular neural network approach
AM Albora, A Özmen, ON Ucan
Pure and Applied Geophysics 158, 1797-1818, 2001
Separation of Bouguer anomaly map using cellular neural network
AM Albora, ON Ucan, A Ozmen, T Ozkan
Journal of Applied Geophysics 46 (2), 129-142, 2001
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