helena lourenço
helena lourenço
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Environmental contaminants of emerging concern in seafood–European database on contaminant levels
G Vandermeersch, HM Lourenço, D Alvarez-Muñoz, S Cunha, J Diogène, ...
Environmental Research 143, 29-45, 2015
Bioaccessibility assessment methodologies and their consequences for the risk–benefit evaluation of food
C Cardoso, C Afonso, H Lourenço, S Costa, ML Nunes
Trends in Food Science & Technology 41 (1), 5-23, 2015
Survey into the seafood consumption preferences and patterns in the Portuguese population. Gender and regional variability
C Cardoso, H Lourenço, S Costa, S Gonçalves, ML Nunes
Appetite 64, 20-31, 2013
Rheological and Biochemical Characteristics of High-Pressure- and Heat-Induced Gels from Blue Whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) Muscle Proteins
M Pérez-Mateos, H Lourenço, P Montero, AJ Borderías
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 (1), 44-49, 1997
Bioaccessibility of Hg, Cd and As in cooked black scabbard fish and edible crab
AL Maulvault, R Machado, C Afonso, HM Lourenço, ML Nunes, I Coelho, ...
Food and Chemical Toxicology 49 (11), 2808-2815, 2011
Benefits and risks associated with consumption of raw, cooked, and canned tuna (Thunnus spp.) based on the bioaccessibility of selenium and methylmercury
C Afonso, S Costa, C Cardoso, R Oliveira, HM Lourenço, A Viula, I Batista, ...
Environmental research 143, 130-137, 2015
Nutritional quality and safety of cooked edible crab (Cancer pagurus)
AL Maulvault, P Anacleto, HM Lourenço, ML Carvalho, ML Nunes, ...
Food chemistry 133 (2), 277-283, 2012
Potential use of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) and mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) insectmeals in diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
F Melenchón, AM Larrán, E De Mercado, MC Hidalgo, G Cardenete, ...
Aquaculture Nutrition 27 (2), 491-505, 2021
Evaluation of Tenebrio molitor larvae as an alternative food source
S Costa, S Pedro, H Lourenço, I Batista, B Teixeira, NM Bandarra, ...
NFS journal 21, 57-64, 2020
Contaminant metals in black scabbard fish (Aphanopus carbo) caught off Madeira and the Azores
C Afonso, HM Lourenço, A Dias, ML Nunes, M Castro
Food Chemistry 101 (1), 120-125, 2007
Influence of bioaccessibility of total mercury, methyl-mercury and selenium on the risk/benefit associated to the consumption of raw and cooked blue shark (Prionace glauca)
J Matos, HM Lourenço, P Brito, AL Maulvault, LL Martins, C Afonso
Environmental research 143, 123-129, 2015
New tools to assess toxicity, bioaccessibility and uptake of chemical contaminants in meat and seafood
A Marques, HM Lourenço, ML Nunes, C Roseiro, C Santos, A Barranco, ...
Food Research International 44 (2), 510-522, 2011
Elemental composition of cephalopods from Portuguese continental waters
HM Lourenço, P Anacleto, C Afonso, V Ferraria, MF Martins, ML Carvalho, ...
Food Chemistry 113 (4), 1146-1153, 2009
Methylmercury risks and EPA+ DHA benefits associated with seafood consumption in Europe
C Cardoso, N Bandarra, H Lourenço, C Afonso, M Nunes
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 30 (5), 827-840, 2010
From fish chemical characterisation to the benefit-risk assessment–Part A
C Afonso, HM Lourenco, C Cardoso, NM Bandarra, ML Carvalho, ...
Food Chemistry 137 (1-4), 99-107, 2013
Total and organic mercury, selenium and α‐tocopherol in some deep‐water fish species
C Afonso, HM Lourenço, C Pereira, MF Martins, ML Carvalho, M Castro, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88 (14), 2543-2550, 2008
Survey into the seafood consumption preferences and patterns in the Portuguese population: education, age, and health variability
C Cardoso, H Lourenço, S Costa, S Gonçalves, M Leonor Nunes
Journal of Food Products Marketing 22 (4), 421-435, 2016
The chemical composition and lipid profile of the chub mackerel (Scomber colias) show a strong seasonal dependence: Contribution to a nutritional evaluation
I Ferreira, A Gomes-Bispo, H Lourenço, J Matos, C Afonso, C Cardoso, ...
Biochimie 178, 181-189, 2020
Fishmeal Dietary Replacement Up to 50%: A Comparative Study of Two Insect Meals for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
F Melenchón, E de Mercado, HJ Pula, G Cardenete, FG Barroso, ...
Animals 12 (2), 179, 2022
Elemental composition of four farmed fish produced in Portugal
HM Lourenço, C Afonso, P Anacleto, MF Martins, ML Nunes, AR Lino
International journal of food sciences and nutrition 63 (7), 853-859, 2012
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