Peter K. Kang
Impact of velocity correlation and distribution on transport in fractured media: Field evidence and theoretical model
PK Kang, T Le Borgne, M Dentz, O Bour, R Juanes
Water Resources Research 51 (2), 940-959, 2015
Pore‐scale intermittent velocity structure underpinning anomalous transport through 3‐D porous media
PK Kang, P De Anna, JP Nunes, B Bijeljic, MJ Blunt, R Juanes
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (17), 6184-6190, 2014
Emergence of anomalous transport in stressed rough fractures
PK Kang, S Brown, R Juanes
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 454, 46-54, 2016
Spatial Markov model of anomalous transport through random lattice networks
PK Kang, M Dentz, T Le Borgne, R Juanes
Physical review letters 107 (18), 180602, 2011
Anomalous transport on regular fracture networks: Impact of conductivity heterogeneity and mixing at fracture intersections
PK Kang, M Dentz, T Le Borgne, R Juanes
Physical Review E 92 (2), 022148, 2015
Continuous time random walks for the evolution of Lagrangian velocities
M Dentz, PK Kang, A Comolli, T Le Borgne, DR Lester
Physical Review Fluids 1 (7), 074004, 2016
Anomalous transport in disordered fracture networks: Spatial Markov model for dispersion with variable injection modes
PK Kang, M Dentz, T Le Borgne, S Lee, R Juanes
Advances in Water Resources 106, 80-94, 2017
Linking structural and transport properties in three‐dimensional fracture networks
JD Hyman, M Dentz, A Hagberg, PK Kang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (2), 1185-1204, 2019
Stress‐induced anomalous transport in natural fracture networks
PK Kang, Q Lei, M Dentz, R Juanes
Water Resources Research 55 (5), 4163-4185, 2019
Anomalous transport in three‐dimensional discrete fracture networks: Interplay between aperture heterogeneity and injection modes
PK Kang, JD Hyman, WS Han, M Dentz
Water Resources Research 56 (11), e2020WR027378, 2020
Emergence of stable laws for first passage times in three-dimensional random fracture networks
JD Hyman, M Dentz, A Hagberg, PK Kang
Physical Review Letters 123 (24), 248501, 2019
Impact of surface porosity on water flux and structural parameter in forward osmosis
W Lee, PK Kang, AS Kim, S Lee
Desalination 439, 46-57, 2018
Three-dimensional vortex-induced reaction hot spots at flow intersections
SH Lee, PK Kang
Physical review letters 124 (14), 144501, 2020
Improved characterization of heterogeneous permeability in saline aquifers from transient pressure data during freshwater injection
PK Kang, J Lee, X Fu, S Lee, PK Kitanidis, R Juanes
Water Resources Research 53 (5), 4444-4458, 2017
Anomalous transport through free-flow-porous media interface: Pore-scale simulation and predictive modeling
JS Kim, PK Kang
Advances in Water Resources 135, 103467, 2020
Sequential approach to joint flow‐seismic inversion for improved characterization of fractured media
PK Kang, Y Zheng, X Fang, R Wojcik, D McLaughlin, S Brown, MC Fehler, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (2), 903-919, 2016
Continuous time random walks for non-local radial solute transport
M Dentz, PK Kang, T Le Borgne
Advances in water resources 82, 16-26, 2015
Well radius of influence and radius of investigation: What exactly are they and how to estimate them?
E Bresciani, RN Shandilya, PK Kang, S Lee
Journal of hydrology 583, 124646, 2020
Recirculating flow-induced anomalous transport in meandering open-channel flows
JS Kim, IW Seo, D Baek, PK Kang
Advances in Water Resources 141, 103603, 2020
Predictability of anomalous transport on lattice networks with quenched disorder
PK Kang, M Dentz, R Juanes
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (3 …, 2011
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