Pierre-François Lenne
Pierre-François Lenne
CNRS Research Director, Principal Investigator, Aix-Marseille University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Cell surface mechanics and the control of cell shape, tissue patterns and morphogenesis
T Lecuit, PF Lenne
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 8 (8), 633-644, 2007
Planar polarized actomyosin contractile flows control epithelial junction remodelling
M Rauzi, PF Lenne, T Lecuit
Nature 468 (7327), 1110-1114, 2010
Nature and anisotropy of cortical forces orienting Drosophila tissue morphogenesis
M Rauzi, P Verant, T Lecuit, PF Lenne
Nature cell biology 10 (12), 1401-1410, 2008
Force generation, transmission, and integration during cell and tissue morphogenesis
T Lecuit, PF Lenne, E Munro
Annual review of cell and developmental biology 27 (1), 157-184, 2011
Dynamic molecular confinement in the plasma membrane by microdomains and the cytoskeleton meshwork
PF Lenne, L Wawrezinieck, F Conchonaud, O Wurtz, A Boned, XJ Guo, ...
The EMBO journal 25 (14), 3245-3256, 2006
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy diffusion laws to probe the submicron cell membrane organization
L Wawrezinieck, H Rigneault, D Marguet, PF Lenne
Biophysical journal 89 (6), 4029-4042, 2005
A two-tiered mechanism for stabilization and immobilization of E-cadherin
M Cavey, M Rauzi, PF Lenne, T Lecuit
Nature 453 (7196), 751-756, 2008
Dynamics in the plasma membrane: how to combine fluidity and order
D Marguet, PF Lenne, H Rigneault, HT He
The EMBO journal 25 (15), 3446-3457, 2006
Raft nanodomains contribute to Akt/PKB plasma membrane recruitment and activation
R Lasserre, XJ Guo, F Conchonaud, Y Hamon, O Hawchar, AM Bernard, ...
Nature chemical biology 4 (9), 538-547, 2008
Local and tissue-scale forces drive oriented junction growth during tissue extension
C Collinet, M Rauzi, PF Lenne, T Lecuit
Nature cell biology 17 (10), 1247-1258, 2015
Enhancement of single-molecule fluorescence detection in subwavelength apertures
H Rigneault, J Capoulade, J Dintinger, J Wenger, N Bonod, E Popov, ...
Physical review letters 95 (11), 117401, 2005
Direct laser manipulation reveals the mechanics of cell contacts in vivo
K Bambardekar, R Clément, O Blanc, C Chardès, PF Lenne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (5), 1416-1421, 2015
Measuring forces and stresses in situ in living tissues
K Sugimura, PF Lenne, F Graner
Development 143 (2), 186-196, 2016
Principles of E-cadherin supramolecular organization in vivo
BAT Quang, M Mani, O Markova, T Lecuit, PF Lenne
Current Biology 23 (22), 2197-2207, 2013
Diffusion analysis within single nanometric apertures reveals the ultrafine cell membrane organization
J Wenger, F Conchonaud, J Dintinger, L Wawrezinieck, TW Ebbesen, ...
Biophysical Journal 92 (3), 913-919, 2007
Viscoelastic dissipation stabilizes cell shape changes during tissue morphogenesis
R Clément, B Dehapiot, C Collinet, T Lecuit, PF Lenne
Current biology 27 (20), 3132-3142. e4, 2017
Genetic induction and mechanochemical propagation of a morphogenetic wave
A Bailles, C Collinet, JM Philippe, PF Lenne, E Munro, T Lecuit
Nature 572 (7770), 467-473, 2019
States and transitions during forced unfolding of a single spectrin repeat
PF Lenne, AJ Raae, SM Altmann, M Saraste, JKH Hörber
FEBS letters 476 (3), 124-128, 2000
Distinct contributions of tensile and shear stress on E-cadherin levels during morphogenesis
GR Kale, X Yang, JM Philippe, M Mani, PF Lenne, T Lecuit
Nature communications 9 (1), 5021, 2018
Surface plasmon excitation on a single subwavelength hole in a metallic sheet
E Popov, N Bonod, M Nevière, H Rigneault, PF Lenne, P Chaumet
Applied optics 44 (12), 2332-2337, 2005
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