Caroline Casey
Vocal learning in seals, sea lions, and walruses
C Reichmuth, C Casey
Current opinion in neurobiology 28, 66-71, 2014
Behavioral responses of individual blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) to mid-frequency military sonar
BL Southall, SL DeRuiter, A Friedlaender, AK Stimpert, JA Goldbogen, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (5), jeb190637, 2019
Northern elephant seals memorize the rhythm and timbre of their rivals’ voices
N Mathevon, C Casey, C Reichmuth, I Charrier
Current Biology 27 (15), 2352-2356. e2, 2017
Development of an artificial sensor for hydrodynamic detection inspired by a seal’s whisker array
WC Eberhardt, BF Wakefield, CT Murphy, C Casey, Y Shakhsheer, ...
Bioinspiration & biomimetics 11 (5), 056011, 2016
Rival assessment among northern elephant seals: evidence of associative learning during male–male contests
C Casey, I Charrier, N Mathevon, C Reichmuth
Royal Society open science 2 (8), 150228, 2015
Species information in whistle frequency modulation patterns of common dolphins
JN Oswald, SF Walmsley, C Casey, S Fregosi, B Southall, VM Janik
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1836), 20210046, 2021
Integrating remote sensing methods during controlled exposure experiments to quantify group responses of dolphins to navy sonar
JW Durban, BL Southall, J Calambokidis, C Casey, H Fearnbach, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 174, 113194, 2022
The genesis of giants: behavioural ontogeny of male northern elephant seals
C Casey, I Charrier, N Mathevon, C Nasr, P Forman, C Reichmuth
Animal Behaviour 166, 247-259, 2020
The rise and fall of dialects in northern elephant seals
C Casey, C Reichmuth, DP Costa, B Le Boeuf
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1892), 20182176, 2018
Variation in blubber cortisol levels in a recovering humpback whale population inhabiting a rapidly changing environment
LJ Pallin, N Botero-Acosta, D Steel, CS Baker, C Casey, DP Costa, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 20250, 2022
University or degree apprenticeship? Stratification and uncertainty in routes to the solicitors’ profession
C Casey, P Wakeling
Work, Employment and Society 36 (1), 40-58, 2022
Maternal responses to pup calls in a high-cost lactation species
J Linossier, C Casey, I Charrier, N Mathevon, C Reichmuth
Biology Letters 17 (12), 20210469, 2021
High-amplitude vocalizations of male northern elephant seals and associated ambient noise on a breeding rookery
BL Southall, C Casey, M Holt, S Insley, C Reichmuth
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 (6), 4514-4524, 2019
Source level measurements for harbor seals and implications for estimating communication space
C Casey, J Sills, C Reichmuth
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 27 (1), 2016
Acoustic signalling and behaviour of Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)
CB Casey, S Weindorf, E Levy, JMJ Linsky, DE Cade, JA Goldbogen, ...
Royal Society Open Science 9 (7), 211557, 2022
In‐situ observations of the sensory hairs of Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)
C Reichmuth, C Casey, A Friedlaender
The Anatomical Record 305 (3), 568-576, 2022
Lifelong patterns of sound production in two seals
C Casey, JM Sills, S Knaub, K Sotolotto, C Reichmuth
Aquatic Mammals 47 (5), 499-514, 2021
Acoustic coding of information in a complex social network: Identity signaling in northern elephant seals
C Casey
Coding strategies in vertebrate acoustic communication, 247-269, 2020
The acoustic signature of the male northern elephant seal: individual variation supports recognition during competitive interactions
C Casey, C Reichmuth, S Fregosi, I Charrier, N Mathevon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (5_Supplement), 3988-3988, 2013
Player, Purist, Pragmatist: a comparison of employability strategies in access to the solicitors’ profession via alternative degree pathways
C Casey, A Mountford-Zimdars, S Hancock
Studies in Higher Education 49 (12), 2625-2636, 2024
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