Mojtaba Biglari
Mojtaba Biglari
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Semnan University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An inspection of thermal conductivity of CuO-SWCNTs hybrid nanofluid versus temperature and concentration using experimental data, ANN modeling and new correlation
SH Rostamian, M Biglari, S Saedodin, MH Esfe
Journal of Molecular Liquids 231, 364-369, 2017
Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity of CNTs-Al2O3/water: a statistical approach
MH Esfe, S Saedodin, M Biglari, H Rostamian
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 69, 29-33, 2015
A novel approach to capture the maximum power from variable speed wind turbines using PI controller, RBF neural network and GSA evolutionary algorithm
E Assareh, M Biglari
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 51, 1023-1037, 2015
An extensive evaluation of wind resource using new methods and strategies for development and utilizing wind power in Mah-shahr station in Iran
M Nedaei, E Assareh, M Biglari
Energy conversion and management 81, 475-503, 2014
An experimental study on thermophysical properties and heat transfer characteristics of low volume concentrations of Ag-water nanofluid
MH Esfe, S Saedodin, M Biglari, H Rostamian
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 74, 91-97, 2016
CFD simulation of two-phase gas-particle flow in the Midrex shaft furnace: The effect of twin gas injection system on the performance of the reactor
AZ Ghadi, MS Valipour, M Biglari
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (1), 103-118, 2017
A comprehensive study on waste heat recovery from internal combustion engines using organic Rankine cycle
M Tahani, S Javan, M Biglari
Thermal Science 17 (2), 611-624, 2013
Evaluation of coronary stents: A review of types, materials, processing techniques, design, and problems
F Ahadi, M Azadi, M Biglari, M Bodaghi, A Khaleghian
Heliyon 9 (2), 2023
Thermal-economic multi-objective optimization of shell and tube heat exchanger using particle swarm optimization (PSO)
A Ghanei, E Assareh, M Biglari, A Ghanbarzadeh, AR Noghrehabadi
Heat and Mass Transfer 50, 1375-1384, 2014
Techno‐economic feasibility study of autonomous hybrid wind and solar power systems for rural areas in I ran, A case study in M oheydar village
A Ataei, M Biglari, M Nedaei, E Assareh, JK Choi, CK Yoo, MS Adaramola
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 34 (5), 1521-1527, 2015
Mixed convection heat transfer performance in a ventilated inclined cavity containing heated blocks: effect of dispersing Al2O3 in water and aspect ratio of the block
S Saedodin, M Biglari, MH Esfe, MJ Noroozi
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 10 (11), 2663-2675, 2013
The cost-effective analysis of a gas turbine power plant
M Gorji-Bandpy, H Goodarzian, M Biglari
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 5 (4), 348-358, 2010
Mathematical modelling of wustite pellet reduction: grain model in comparison with USCM
AZ Ghadi, MS Valipour, M Biglari
Ironmaking & Steelmaking 43 (6), 418-425, 2016
Study of coating effects on the performance of Stirling engine by non-ideal adiabatic thermodynamics modeling
F Ahadi, M Azadi, M Biglari, SN Madani
Energy Reports 7, 3688-3702, 2021
A novel approach to capture the maximum power generation from wind turbines using hybrid MLP neural network and bees algorithm (HNNBA)
E Assareh, M Biglari
IETE Journal of Research 62 (3), 368-378, 2016
Transient entropy generation analysis during wustite pellet reduction to sponge iron
A Zare Ghadi, MS Valipour, M Biglari
IJE Trans B Appl 31 (8), 1274-1282, 2018
Solving blasius differential equation by using hybrid neural network and gravitational search algorithm (HNNGSA)
M Biglari, E Assareh, I Poultangari, M Nedaei
Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 11, 29-36, 2013
An initial evaluation of wind resource in the Port of Chabahar in South East of Iran
M Biglari, E Assareh, M Nedaei, I Poultangari
Glob J Sci Eng Technol 2 (14), 142-148, 2013
Computational fluid dynamics of coronary arteries with implanted stents: effects of Newtonian and non‐Newtonian blood flows
F Ahadi, M Biglari, M Azadi, M Bodaghi
Engineering Reports 6 (6), e12779, 2024
Assessment of the numerical and experimental performance of screw tidal turbines
H Rahmani, M Biglari, MS Valipour, K Lari
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2018
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