Lucas Esclapez
Lucas Esclapez
Research Software Engineer, eScience Center, Netherlands
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Fuel effects on lean blow-out in a realistic gas turbine combustor
L Esclapez, PC Ma, E Mayhew, R Xu, S Stouffer, T Lee, H Wang, M Ihme
Combustion and Flame 181, 82-99, 2017
Flame propagation in aeronautical swirled multi-burners: Experimental and numerical investigation
D Barré, L Esclapez, M Cordier, E Riber, B Cuenot, G Staffelbach, ...
Combustion and Flame 161 (9), 2387-2405, 2014
Including real fuel chemistry in LES of turbulent spray combustion
A Felden, L Esclapez, E Riber, B Cuenot, H Wang
Combustion and Flame 193, 397-416, 2018
The role of preferential evaporation on the ignition of multicomponent fuels in a homogeneous spray/air mixture
A Stagni, L Esclapez, P Govindaraju, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, M Ihme
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2483-2491, 2017
Ignition probability of a partially premixed burner using LES
L Esclapez, E Riber, B Cuenot
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 3133-3141, 2015
Analysis of the spray flame structure in a lab-scale burner using large eddy simulation and discrete particle simulation
D Paulhiac, B Cuenot, E Riber, L Esclapez, S Richard
Combustion and Flame 212, 25-38, 2020
Experimental and numerical analysis of an ignition sequence in a multiple-injectors burner
M Cordier, A Vandel, B Renou, G Cabot, MA Boukhalfa, L Esclapez, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 55102, V01AT04A048, 2013
A statistical model to predict ignition probability
L Esclapez, F Collin-Bastiani, E Riber, B Cuenot
Combustion and Flame 225, 180-195, 2021
Including analytically reduced chemistry (ARC) in CFD applications
A Felden, P Pepiot, L Esclapez, E Riber, B Cuenot
Acta Astronautica 158, 444-459, 2019
Numerical study of ignition and inter-sector flame propagation in gas turbine
L Esclapez
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2015
High-fidelity simulations of fuel injection and atomization of a hybrid air-blast atomizer
PC Ma, L Esclape, S Carbajal, M Ihme, T Buschhagen, SV Naik, JP Gore, ...
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1393, 2016
Flame–wall interaction effects on the flame root stabilization mechanisms of a doubly-transcritical LO2/LCH4 cryogenic flame
C Laurent, L Esclapez, D Maestro, G Staffelbach, B Cuenot, L Selle, ...
Proceedings of the combustion institute 37 (4), 5147-5154, 2019
Symmetry breaking in a 3D bluff-body wake
G Rigas, L Esclapez, L Magri
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.07405, 2017
Multiphase flow LES study of the fuel split effects on combustion instabilities in an ultra low-NOx annular combustor
M Bauerheim, T Jaravel, L Esclapez, E Riber, LYM Gicquel, B Cuenot, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 56697, V04BT04A069, 2015
PeleLMeX: an AMR low mach number reactive flow simulation code without level sub-cycling
L Esclapez, M Day, J Bell, A Felden, C Gilet, R Grout, MH de Frahan, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 8 (NREL/JA-2C00-85410), 2023
Large-Eddy simulations of fuel effect on gas turbine lean blow-out
L Esclapez, PC Ma, E Mayhew, R Xu, S Stouffer, T Lee, H Wang, M Ihme
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1955, 2017
Large-eddy simulation of fuel effect on lean blow-out in gas turbines
L Esclapez, PC Ma, M Ihme
Annual Research Brief, Center for Turbulence Research, 2015
A spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number reacting flows subject to electric fields
L Esclapez, V Ricchiuti, JB Bell, MS Day
Combustion Theory and Modelling 24 (2), 194-220, 2020
The pele simulation suite for reacting flows at exascale
MTH de Frahan, L Esclapez, J Rood, NT Wimer, P Mullowney, BA Perry, ...
Proceedings of the 2024 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for …, 2024
Experiences readying applications for exascale
N Malaya, B Messer, J Glenski, A Georgiadou, J Lietz, K Gottiparthi, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2023
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