Ryan P. Scott
Ryan P. Scott
Patvirtintas el. paštas
How does engaging with nature relate to life satisfaction? Demonstrating the link between environment-specific social experiences and life satisfaction
K Biedenweg, RP Scott, TA Scott
Journal of Environmental Psychology 50, 112-124, 2017
Stakeholder involvement in collaborative regulatory processes: Using automated coding to track attendance and actions
TA Scott, N Ulibarri, RP Scott
Regulation & Governance 14 (2), 219-237, 2020
Shared streets, park closures and environmental justice during a pandemic emergency in Denver, Colorado
RP Scott
Journal of transport & health 21, 101075, 2021
Can Carbon Nanomaterials Improve CZTS Photovoltaic Devices? Evaluation of Performance and Impacts Using Integrated Life‐Cycle Assessment and Decision Analysis
RP Scott, AC Cullen, C Fox‐Lent, I Linkov
Risk Analysis 36 (10), 1916-1935, 2016
Investing in collaboration for safety: Assessing grants to states for oil and gas distribution pipeline safety program enhancement
RP Scott, TA Scott
Energy Policy 124, 332-345, 2019
Future PM2. 5 emissions from metal production to meet renewable energy demand
SD Rathod, TC Bond, Z Klimont, JR Pierce, N Mahowald, C Roy, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (4), 044043, 2022
Should we call the neighbors? Voluntary deliberation and citizen complaints about oil and gas drilling
RP Scott
Energy policy 115, 258-272, 2018
Reducing the life cycle environmental impacts of kesterite solar photovoltaics: comparing carbon and molybdenum back contact options
RP Scott, AC Cullen
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21, 29-43, 2016
The environmental and safety performance of gas utilities in the United States
RP Scott, TA Scott, RA Greer
Energy policy 133, 110892, 2019
Disease surveillance investments and administration: limits to information value in Pakistan polio eradication
RP Scott, AC Cullen, G Chabot‐Couture
Risk Analysis 41 (2), 273-288, 2021
Bureaucratic benefit-cost analysis and policy controversy
RP Scott, TA Scott, R Zerbe
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 7 (2), 350-371, 2016
Who owns the pipes? Utility ownership, infrastructure conditions, and methane emissions in United States natural gas distribution
RP Scott, TA Scott, RA Greer
Review of Policy Research 39 (2), 170-198, 2022
More Than Just Complaints: Generating Thick Engagement Through Thin Participatory Programs
RP Scott
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 2 (2), 155-165, 2019
Signaling Resilience: A Computational Assessment of Narratives in Local Government Budgets
RA Greer, TT Moldogaziev, RP Scott, TA Scott
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 33 (4), 688-700, 2023
Concise or comprehensive? Predictors of impact assessment choices for electric transmission line projects
RP Scott, N Ulibarri, TA Scott
Risk Analysis 43 (5), 994-1010, 2023
Benefit-Cost Analysis in the Chehalis Basin
R Scott, RO Zerbe Jr, T Scott
Regulation 36, 20, 2013
Do local governments compete or cooperate for resiliency? The case of state spending in Colorado
S Houghteling, RP Scott
Cities 140, 104440, 2023
The Provisions and Implementation of Just Transitions: Lessons Learned from Colorado’s Just Transition
S Aghababian
Colorado State University, 2023
Community Capacity and Collaborative Wildfire Planning: The Role of Capacity in Acquiring Federal Mitigation Grant Funding
B Ryan
Colorado State University, 2023
Examining the Link between Social Vulnerability and Emergency Relief Distribution: The Case of Cares Act Assistance and Colorado Local Governments
D Carter, TA Scott, RP Scott
2021 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2022
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