Alireza Rokhsari
An adaptive data coding scheme for energy consumption reduction in SDN-based Internet of Things
S Salehi, H Farbeh, A Rokhsari
Computer Networks 221, 109528, 2023
Investigation of financial markets performance due to coronavirus outbreak: EGARCH and bivariate regression approach
A Rokhsari, N Doodman, A Esfahanipour
International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 8 (4), 315-335, 2022
Computing optimal subsidies for Iranian renewable energy investments using real options
A Rokhsari, A Esfahanipour, MM Ardehali
Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 13 (Special issue: 16th …, 2020
An equivalent condition for stability analysis of LTI systems with bounded time-invariant delay
R Abolpour, A Khayatian, M Dehghani, A Rokhsari
Applied Mathematics and Computation 438, 127585, 2023
Impact of fuel prices on electricity price using the predictive power of ANN-GA, LRM: Evidence from Iran
A Rokhsari, A Esfahanipour, H Tanha, M Saremi
Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 14 (1), 307-319, 2022
Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on US Economy: D-Vine Regression Copula Approach
A Rokhsari, N Doodman, H Tanha
Scientia Iranica, 2022
A blade-pitch controller for a large wind turbine generator in the presence of time-varying delay and polytopic uncertainty
A Rokhsari, R Abolpour
AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering 56 (1 (Special Issue)), 2-2, 2024
Application of D-Vine Regression Copula in Covid-19 Data
N Doodman, A Rokhsari, H Tanha
Proceeding of the 7th Seminar on Copula Theory and its Applications, 31, 2024
The Influence of the Use of Luxury Brands and Social Media on Self-Expansion in the Clothing Industry: Evidence from Tehran
A Rokhsari, S Ali, H Tanha
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2023
A Review of Financial Crisis across the World and Miscellaneous Financial Markets under Covid-19 Pandemic: EGARCH and Bivariate Regression Approach
A. Rokhsari, N. Doodman
2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Economics and …, 2020
Presenting a Neural Network and Regression Model for Predicting Air Pollution Index in Winter Providing Solutions Based on Model Outputs
A. Rokhsari, P. Khodaee, M.M.Ardehali
journal of Shahrnegar 85 (3), 34-42, 2020
Computing Optimal Subsidies for Iranian Renewable Energy Investments using Real Options
A. Rokhsari, A. Esfahanipour, M.M. Ardehali
16th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2020
Presenting a Neural Network and Regression Model for Predicting Air Pollution Index in Winter Providing Solutions Based on Model Outputs
A. Rokhsari, P. Khodaee, M.M.Ardehali
1st International Smart Tehran Conference, 2019
Predicting Wildfire Intensity Using Ml/Ai: A Case Study in Environmental Systems Management for Three Regions in British Columbia
A Rokhsari, S Salehi
Ai: A Case Study in Environmental Systems Management for Three Regions in …, 0
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