Monika Schaefer-Korting
Monika Schaefer-Korting
Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Freie Universität Berlin
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Lipid nanoparticles for improved topical application of drugs for skin diseases
M Schäfer-Korting, W Mehnert, HC Korting
Advanced drug delivery reviews 59 (6), 427-443, 2007
Vitamin A loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for topical use: occlusive properties and drug targeting to the upper skin
V Jenning, A Gysler, M Schäfer-Korting, SH Gohla
European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics 49 (3), 211-218, 2000
Vitamin A-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for topical use: drug release properties
V Jenning, M Schäfer-Korting, S Gohla
Journal of controlled release 66 (2-3), 115-126, 2000
Human defensins
JJ Schneider, A Unholzer, M Schaller, M Schäfer-Korting, HC Korting
Journal of molecular medicine 83, 587-595, 2005
Mutschler Arzneimittelwirkungen
E Mutschler, G Geisslinger, HK Kroemer, M Schäfer-Korting
Lehrbuch der Pharmakologie und Toxikologie 9, 2001
Nanoparticles for skin penetration enhancement–a comparison of a dendritic core-multishell-nanotransporter and solid lipid nanoparticles
S Küchler, MR Radowski, T Blaschke, M Dathe, J Plendl, R Haag, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 71 (2), 243-250, 2009
t4 workshop report: State-of-the-art of 3D cultures (organs-on-a-chip) in safety testing and pathophysiology
N Alépée, A Bahinski, M Daneshian, B De Wever, E Fritsche, A Goldberg, ...
Altex 31 (4), 441, 2014
Lipid nanoparticles for skin penetration enhancement—correlation to drug localization within the particle matrix as determined by fluorescence and parelectric spectroscopy
SL Borgia, M Regehly, R Sivaramakrishnan, W Mehnert, HC Korting, ...
Journal of controlled release 110 (1), 151-163, 2005
The use of reconstructed human epidermis for skin absorption testing: results of the validation study
M Schäfer-Korting, U Bock, W Diembeck, HJ Düsing, A Gamer, ...
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 36 (2), 161-187, 2008
Solid lipid nanoparticles as drug carriers for topical glucocorticoids
CS Maia, W Mehnert, M Schäfer-Korting
International journal of pharmaceutics 196 (2), 165-167, 2000
Loss of corneodesmosin leads to severe skin barrier defect, pruritus, and atopy: unraveling the peeling skin disease
V Oji, KM Eckl, K Aufenvenne, M Nätebus, T Tarinski, K Ackermann, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 87 (2), 274-281, 2010
Hyaluronic acid in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases: molecular biological, pharmaceutical and clinical aspects
G Weindl, M Schaller, M Schäfer-Korting, HC Korting
Skin Pharmacology and physiology 17 (5), 207-213, 2004
Transcriptional activity of potent glucocorticoids: relevance of glucocorticoid receptor isoforms and drug metabolites
I Spika, S Hammer, B Kleuser, HC Korting, M Schäfer-Korting
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 16 (3), 143-150, 2003
Drug targeting by solid lipid nanoparticles for dermal use
C Santos Maia, W Mehnert, M Schaller, HC Korting, A Gysler, ...
Journal of drug targeting 10 (6), 489-495, 2002
Sphingosine 1-phosphate cross-activates the Smad signaling cascade and mimics transforming growth factor-β-induced cell responses
C Xin, S Ren, B Kleuser, S Shabahang, W Eberhardt, H Radeke, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (34), 35255-35262, 2004
Arzneimittelwirkungen–Lehrbuch der Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
E Mutschler, G Geisslinger, HK Kroemer, P Ruth, M Schäfer–Korting
Endo-Praxis 24 (03), 29-29, 2008
Glucocorticoid entrapment into lipid carriers—characterisation by parelectric spectroscopy and influence on dermal uptake
R Sivaramakrishnan, C Nakamura, W Mehnert, HC Korting, KD Kramer, ...
Journal of controlled release 97 (3), 493-502, 2004
The Phenion® full-thickness skin model for percutaneous absorption testing
K Ackermann, S Lombardi Borgia, HC Korting, KR Mewes, ...
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 23 (2), 105-112, 2010
Cyproterone acetate loading to lipid nanoparticles for topical acne treatment: particle characterisation and skin uptake
J Štecová, W Mehnert, T Blaschke, B Kleuser, R Sivaramakrishnan, ...
Pharmaceutical research 24, 991-1000, 2007
1α, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 protects human keratinocytes from apoptosis by the formation of sphingosine-1-phosphate
M Manggau, DS Kim, L Ruwisch, R Vogler, M Schäfer-Korting, B Kleuser, ...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 117 (5), 1241-1249, 2001
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