Christian Portilla
Christian Portilla
Eindhoven University of Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Model-based predictive control for bicycling in urban intersections
C Portilla, F Valencia, J Espinosa, A Nunez, B De Schutter
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 70, 27-41, 2016
Non-linear model predictive control based on game theory for traffic control on highways
C Portilla, F Valencia, JD Lopez, J Espinosa, A Núñez, B De Schutter
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (17), 436-441, 2012
Congestion management in motorways and urban networks through a bargaining-game-based coordination mechanism
F Valencia, JD López, A Núñez, C Portilla, LG Cortes, J Espinosa, ...
Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security: Traffic and …, 2015
An optimal battery charging and schedule control strategy for electric bus rapid transit
S Ruiz, N Arroyo, A Acosta, C Portilla, J Espinosa
MOVICI-MOYCOT 2018: Joint Conference for Urban Mobility in the Smart City, 1-8, 2018
A multi-class urban traffic model considering heterogeneous vehicle composition: An extension of the S model
C Portilla, J Espinosa, B De Schutter
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 115, 102613, 2020
Decentralized model-based predictive control for urban traffic control
C Portilla, LG Cortes, F Valencia, JD López, JJ Espinosa, A Núnez, ...
Proceedings of the 8th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis …, 2013
Full-Scale Digesters: Model Predictive Control with Online Kinetic Parameter Identification Strategy
LG Cortés, J Barbancho, DF Larios, JD Marín-Batista, AF Mohedano, ...
Energies 15 (22), 8594, 2022
Control óptimo de tráfico urbano y en autopistas
FCR Portilla, LG Cortés, F Valencia, JD López, J Espinosa
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2012
A. Nú nez, and B. De Schutter. Non linear model predictive control based on game theory for traffic control on highways
C Roviro, F Valencia, JD López, JJ Espinosa
IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive, Control, 2012
SUMO 2017 towards simulation for autonomous mobility
E Bjärkvik, F Fürer, M Barthauer, B Friedrich, M Pourabdollah, ...
DLR, 2017
SciTraffic: A macroscopic simulator for estimation and control of urban traffic
C Portilla, A Acosta, J Espinosa, J Espinosa
Proceedings of the SUMO User Conference, 80-88, 2017
Control predictivo basado en modelo para tráfico multimodal de buses articulados, vehıculos y peatones en la ciudad de medellın
LG Cortés, C Portilla, J Espinosa
XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático (CLCA 2014) 10, 2014
Optimal control of urban and highway traffic
CR Portilla, LG Cortes, F Valencia, JD López, JJ Espinosa
2012 IEEE Colombian Intelligent Transportation Systems Symposium (CITSS), 1-6, 2012
Including bicycling in a multimodal urban street intersection: a model-based predictive control approach
C Portilla, F Valencia, J Espinosa, A Nuñez, B De Schutter
Transp. Res. C, Emerg. Technol. 70, 27-41, 2016
An assessment of novel optimal control scheme based on hierarchical and distributed structure in urban traffic networks
LG Cortés, C Portilla, F Valencia, JD Lopéz, J Espinosa, A Nunez, ...
Special Issue of Transportation Research Part C, 2014
Including bicycling in a multimodal urban street intersection: A model-based predictive control approach
A Nunez, B De Schutter, CR Portilla, F Valencia, JJ Espinosa
8th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VIII), 2013
Model-based feedback control of filament geometry in extrusion-based additive manufacturing
CJG Rojas, C Portilla, L Özkan
IFAC-PapersOnLine 58 (14), 403-408, 2024
Origin-destination matrix estimation based on microsimulation and optimization
CR Portilla, AF Acosta, JJ Espinosa
MOVICI-MOYCOT 2018: Joint Conference for Urban Mobility in the Smart City, 1-5, 2018
A mathematical model of pedestrians in signalized intersections
C Portilla, A Marquez, J Espinosa
2015 IEEE 2nd Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC), 1-6, 2015
Desarrollo de un modelo dinámico de tráfico multimodal (automóviles, articulados, peatones y bicicletas) con fines de control
CR Portilla Caicedo
Ingeniería Eléctrica, 2015
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20