The design of the borealis stream processing engine. DJ Abadi, Y Ahmad, M Balazinska, U Cetintemel, M Cherniack, JH Hwang, ... Cidr 5 (2005), 277-289, 2005 | 2088 | 2005 |
HaLoop: Efficient iterative data processing on large clusters Y Bu, B Howe, M Balazinska, MD Ernst Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3 (1-2), 285-296, 2010 | 1207 | 2010 |
Building the internet of things using RFID: the RFID ecosystem experience E Welbourne, L Battle, G Cole, K Gould, K Rector, S Raymer, ... IEEE Internet computing 13 (3), 48-55, 2009 | 977 | 2009 |
Scalable Distributed Stream Processing. M Cherniack, H Balakrishnan, M Balazinska, D Carney, U Cetintemel, ... CIDR 3, 257-268, 2003 | 885 | 2003 |
Characterizing mobility and network usage in a corporate wireless local-area network M Balazinska, P Castro Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Mobile systems …, 2003 | 695 | 2003 |
Skewtune: mitigating skew in mapreduce applications YC Kwon, M Balazinska, B Howe, J Rolia Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2012 | 595 | 2012 |
Overview of SciDB: large scale array storage, processing and analysis PG Brown Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2010 | 523 | 2010 |
High-availability algorithms for distributed stream processing JH Hwang, M Balazinska, A Rasin, U Cetintemel, M Stonebraker, ... 21st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'05), 779-790, 2005 | 430 | 2005 |
INS/Twine: A scalable peer-to-peer architecture for intentional resource discovery M Balazinska, H Balakrishnan, D Karger International Conference on Pervasive Computing, 195-210, 2002 | 403 | 2002 |
The bigdawg polystore system J Duggan, AJ Elmore, M Stonebraker, M Balazinska, B Howe, J Kepner, ... ACM Sigmod Record 44 (2), 11-16, 2015 | 370 | 2015 |
Fault-tolerance in the borealis distributed stream processing system M Balazinska, H Balakrishnan, S Madden, M Stonebraker Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005 | 289 | 2005 |
Data management in the worldwide sensor web M Balazinska, A Deshpande, MJ Franklin, PB Gibbons, J Gray, M Hansen, ... IEEE Pervasive Computing 6 (2), 30-40, 2007 | 278 | 2007 |
Advanced clone-analysis to support object-oriented system refactoring M Balazinska, E Merlo, M Dagenais, B Lague, K Kontogiannis Proceedings Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 98-107, 2000 | 276 | 2000 |
Query-based data pricing P Koutris, P Upadhyaya, M Balazinska, B Howe, D Suciu Journal of the ACM (JACM) 62 (5), 1-44, 2015 | 254 | 2015 |
ParaTimer: a progress indicator for MapReduce DAGs K Morton, M Balazinska, D Grossman Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2010 | 238 | 2010 |
A demonstration of SciDB: a science-oriented DBMS P Cudré-Mauroux, H Kimura, KT Lim, J Rogers, R Simakov, E Soroush, ... Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2 (2), 1534-1537, 2009 | 238 | 2009 |
The Beckman report on database research D Abadi, R Agrawal, A Ailamaki, M Balazinska, PA Bernstein, MJ Carey, ... ACM Sigmod Record 43 (3), 61-70, 2014 | 237 | 2014 |
SnipSuggest: Context-aware autocompletion for SQL N Khoussainova, YC Kwon, M Balazinska, D Suciu Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (1), 22-33, 2010 | 234 | 2010 |
Infranet: Circumventing web censorship and surveillance N Feamster, M Balazinska, G Harfst, H Balakrishnan, D Karger 11th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 02), 2002 | 229 | 2002 |
Measuring clone based reengineering opportunities M Balazinska, E Merlo, M Dagenais, B Lague, K Kontogiannis Proceedings Sixth International Software Metrics Symposium (Cat. No. PR00403 …, 1999 | 227 | 1999 |