Stephen Barclay
Stephen Barclay
University Senior Lecturer
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Modele pogarszania się statusu społecznego, stanu psychologicznego i duchowego pod koniec życia u chorych na raka płuca i niewydolność serca
SA Murray, M Kendall, E Grant, K Boyd, S Barclay, A Sheikh
Palliative Medicine in Practice 2 (3), 111-120, 2008
Not another questionnaire! Maximizing the response rate, predicting non-response and assessing non-response bias in postal questionnaire studies of GPs
S Barclay, C Todd, I Finlay, G Grande, P Wyatt
Family practice 19 (1), 105-111, 2002
Patterns of social, psychological, and spiritual decline toward the end of life in lung cancer and heart failure
SA Murray, M Kendall, E Grant, K Boyd, S Barclay, A Sheikh
Journal of pain and symptom management 34 (4), 393-402, 2007
Do the elderly have a voice? Advance care planning discussions with frail and older individuals: a systematic literature review and narrative synthesis
T Sharp, E Moran, I Kuhn, S Barclay
British Journal of General Practice 63 (615), e657-e668, 2013
End-of-life care conversations with heart failure patients: a systematic literature review and narrative synthesis
S Barclay, N Momen, S Case-Upton, I Kuhn, E Smith
British Journal of General Practice 61 (582), e49-e62, 2011
Development of prognosis in palliative care study (PiPS) predictor models to improve prognostication in advanced cancer: prospective cohort study
B Gwilliam, V Keeley, C Todd, M Gittins, C Roberts, L Kelly, S Barclay, ...
Bmj 343, 2011
Improving generalist end of life care: national consultation with practitioners, commissioners, academics, and service user groups
C Shipman, M Gysels, P White, A Worth, SA Murray, S Barclay, S Forrest, ...
Bmj 337, 2008
Recruiting patients into a primary care based study of palliative care: why is it so difficult?
G Ewing, M Rogers, S Barclay, J McCabe, A Martin, C Todd
Palliative medicine 18 (5), 452-459, 2004
Do patients want to die at home? A systematic review of the UK literature, focused on missing preferences for place of death
S Hoare, ZS Morris, MP Kelly, I Kuhn, S Barclay
PloS one 10 (11), e0142723, 2015
Does hospital at home for palliative care facilitate death at home? Randomised controlled trial
GE Grande, CJ Todd, SIG Barclay, MC Farquhar
Bmj 319 (7223), 1472-1475, 1999
Moral distress amongst American physician trainees regarding futile treatments at the end of life: a qualitative study
E Dzeng, A Colaianni, M Roland, D Levine, MP Kelly, S Barclay, TJ Smith
Journal of general internal medicine 31, 93-99, 2016
Death and the oldest old: attitudes and preferences for end-of-life care-qualitative research within a population-based cohort study
J Fleming, M Farquhar, ...
PloS one 11 (4), e0150686, 2016
Support needs in the last year of life: patient and carer dilemmas
GE Grande, CJ Todd, SIG Barclay
Palliative Medicine 11 (3), 202-208, 1997
Medical students' death anxiety: Severity and association with psychological health and attitudes toward palliative care
P Thiemann, T Quince, J Benson, D Wood, S Barclay
Journal of pain and symptom management 50 (3), 335-342. e2, 2015
A randomized controlled trial of a hospital at home service for the terminally ill
GE Grande, CJ Todd, SIG Barclay, MC Farquhar
Palliative medicine 14 (5), 375-385, 2000
Advance care planning for cancer patients in primary care: a feasibility study
K Boyd, B Mason, M Kendall, S Barclay, D Chinn, K Thomas, A Sheikh, ...
British Journal of General Practice 60 (581), e449-e458, 2010
Influence of institutional culture and policies on do-not-resuscitate decision making at the end of life
E Dzeng, A Colaianni, M Roland, G Chander, TJ Smith, MP Kelly, ...
JAMA internal medicine 175 (5), 812-819, 2015
‘A silent epidemic of grief’: a survey of bereavement care provision in the UK and Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic
C Pearce, JR Honey, R Lovick, NZ Creamer, C Henry, A Langford, ...
BMJ open 11 (3), e046872, 2021
Teenage and young adult cancer-related fatigue is prevalent, distressing, and neglected: it is time to intervene. A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis
A Spathis, S Booth, S Grove, H Hatcher, I Kuhn, S Barclay
Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology 4 (1), 3-17, 2015
Advanced topics in forensic DNA typing
JM Butler
Methodology 2011, 2012
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20