Benoit Langlais
Benoit Langlais
Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique, CNRS, Univ. Nantes, Univ. Angers
Patvirtintas el. paštas
International geomagnetic reference field: The 12th generation
E Thébault, CC Finlay, CD Beggan, P Alken, J Aubert, O Barrois, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 67, 1-19, 2015
International geomagnetic reference field: the eleventh generation
CC Finlay, S Maus, CD Beggan, TN Bondar, A Chambodut, TA Chernova, ...
Geophysical Journal International 183 (3), 1216-1230, 2010
International geomagnetic reference field: The thirteenth generation
P Alken, E Thébault, CD Beggan, H Amit, J Aubert, J Baerenzung, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 73, 1-25, 2021
Small-scale structure of the geodynamo inferred from Oersted and Magsat satellite data
G Hulot, C Eymin, B Langlais, M Mandea, N Olsen
Nature 416 (6881), 620-623, 2002
The 10th-generation international geomagnetic reference field
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), Division V ...
Geophysical Journal International 161 (3), 561-565, 2005
Crustal magnetic field of Mars
B Langlais, ME Purucker, M Mandea
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 109 (E2), 2004
The magnetic field of the Earth’s lithosphere
E Thébault, M Purucker, KA Whaler, B Langlais, TJ Sabaka
Space science reviews 155, 95-127, 2010
Ørsted initial field model
N Olsen, R Holme, G Hulot, T Sabaka, T Neubert, L Tøffner‐Clausen, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (22), 3607-3610, 2000
A chronology of early Mars climatic evolution from impact crater degradation
N Mangold, S Adeli, S Conway, V Ansan, B Langlais
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 117 (E4), 2012
A new model of the crustal magnetic field of Mars using MGS and MAVEN
B Langlais, E Thébault, A Houliez, ME Purucker, RJ Lillis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 (6), 1542-1569, 2019
Crustal and time-varying magnetic fields at the InSight landing site on Mars
CL Johnson, A Mittelholz, B Langlais, CT Russell, V Ansan, D Banfield, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 199-204, 2020
Pre-mission InSights on the interior of Mars
SE Smrekar, P Lognonné, T Spohn, WB Banerdt, D Breuer, U Christensen, ...
Space Science Reviews 215, 1-72, 2019
Investigating Mercury’s environment with the two-spacecraft BepiColombo mission
A Milillo, M Fujimoto, G Murakami, J Benkhoff, J Zender, S Aizawa, ...
Space science reviews 216, 1-78, 2020
Evaluation of candidate geomagnetic field models for IGRF-12
E Thébault, CC Finlay, P Alken, CD Beggan, E Canet, A Chulliat, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 67, 1-23, 2015
The combined effects of escape and magnetic field histories at Mars
E Chassefière, F Leblanc, B Langlais
Planetary and Space Science 55 (3), 343-357, 2007
Timing of the martian dynamo: New constraints for a core field 4.5 and 3.7 Ga ago
A Mittelholz, CL Johnson, JM Feinberg, B Langlais, RJ Phillips
Science Advances 6 (18), eaba0513, 2020
The fate of early Mars' lost water: The role of serpentinization
E Chassefière, B Langlais, Y Quesnel, F Leblanc
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 118 (5), 1123-1134, 2013
The southern edge of cratonic North America: Evidence from new satellite magnetometer observations
M Purucker, B Langlais, N Olsen, G Hulot, M Mandea
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (15), 56-1-56-4, 2002
Serpentinization of the martian crust during Noachian
Y Quesnel, C Sotin, B Langlais, S Costin, M Mandea, M Gottschalk, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (1-2), 184-193, 2009
A polar magnetic paleopole associated with Apollinaris Patera, Mars
B Langlais, M Purucker
Planetary and Space Science 55 (3), 270-279, 2007
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