Kjerstin Thorson
Kjerstin Thorson
Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Colorado State University
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Curated flows: A framework for mapping media exposure in the digital age
K Thorson, C Wells
Communication Theory 26 (3), 309-328, 2016
Relationships between blogs as eWOM and interactivity, perceived interactivity, and parasocial interaction
KS Thorson, S Rodgers
Journal of Interactive Advertising 6 (2), 39-50, 2006
Partisan selective sharing: The biased diffusion of fact-checking messages on social media
J Shin, K Thorson
Journal of Communication 67 (2), 233-255, 2017
Moderation, response rate, and message interactivity: Features of online communities and their effects on intent to participate
K Wise, B Hamman, K Thorson
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 12 (1), 24-41, 2006
Integrating survey data and digital trace data: key issues in developing an emerging field
S Stier, J Breuer, P Siegers, K Thorson
Social Science Computer Review 38 (5), 503-516, 2020
Algorithmic inference, political interest, and exposure to news and politics on Facebook
K Thorson, K Cotter, M Medeiros, C Pak
Information, Communication & Society 24 (2), 183-200, 2021
Credibility in context: How uncivil online commentary affects news credibility
K Thorson, E Vraga, B Ekdale
Mass Communication and Society 13 (3), 289-313, 2010
YouTube, Twitter and the Occupy Movement: Connecting content and circulation practices
K Thorson, K Driscoll, B Ekdale, S Edgerly, LG Thompson, A Schrock, ...
Information, Communication & Society 16 (3), 421-451, 2013
New media, new relationship to participation? A closer look at youth news repertoires and political participation
S Edgerly, EK Vraga, L Bode, K Thorson, E Thorson
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (1), 192-212, 2018
How individual sensitivities to disagreement shape youth political expression on Facebook
EK Vraga, K Thorson, N Kligler-Vilenchik, E Gee
Computers in Human Behavior 45, 281-289, 2015
Facing an uncertain reception: young citizens and political interaction on Facebook
K Thorson
Information, Communication & Society 17 (2), 203-216, 2014
Attracting the news: Algorithms, platforms, and reframing incidental exposure
K Thorson
Journalism 21 (8), 1067-1082, 2020
How gatekeeping still matters: understanding media effects in an era of curated flows
K Thorson, C Wells
Gatekeeping in transition, 25-44, 2015
Combining big data and survey techniques to model effects of political content flows in Facebook
C Wells, K Thorson
Social Science Computer Review 35 (1), 33-52, 2017
Good citizenship as a frame contest: Kony2012, memes, and critiques of the networked citizen
N Kligler-Vilenchik, K Thorson
new media & society 18 (9), 1993-2011, 2016
What does it mean to be a good citizen? Citizenship vocabularies as resources for action
K Thorson
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 644 (1 …, 2012
Do parents still model news consumption? Socializing news use among adolescents in a multi-device world
S Edgerly, K Thorson, E Thorson, EK Vraga, L Bode
new media & society 20 (4), 1263-1281, 2018
Political inequalities start at home: Parents, children, and the socialization of civic infrastructure Online
K Thorson, Y Xu, S Edgerly
Political Communication 35 (2), 178-195, 2018
Posting about politics: Media as resources for political expression on Facebook
S Edgerly, K Thorson, L Bighash, M Hannah
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 13 (2), 108-125, 2016
“Reach the right people”: The politics of “interests” in Facebook’s classification system for ad targeting
K Cotter, M Medeiros, C Pak, K Thorson
Big Data & Society 8 (1), 2053951721996046, 2021
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