Liberata Guadagno
Effect of functionalization on the thermo-mechanical and electrical behavior of multi-wall carbon nanotube/epoxy composites
L Guadagno, B De Vivo, A Di Bartolomeo, P Lamberti, A Sorrentino, ...
Carbon 49 (6), 1919-1930, 2011
Mechanical and barrier properties of epoxy resin filled with multi-walled carbon nanotubes
L Guadagno, L Vertuccio, A Sorrentino, M Raimondo, C Naddeo, ...
Carbon 47 (10), 2419-2430, 2009
Development of epoxy mixtures for application in aeronautics and aerospace
L Guadagno, M Raimondo, V Vittoria, L Vertuccio, C Naddeo, S Russo, ...
Rsc Advances 4 (30), 15474-15488, 2014
Piezoresistive properties of resin reinforced with carbon nanotubes for health-monitoring of aircraft primary structures
L Vertuccio, L Guadagno, G Spinelli, P Lamberti, V Tucci, S Russo
Composites Part B: Engineering 107, 192-202, 2016
Effective de-icing skin using graphene-based flexible heater
L Vertuccio, F De Santis, R Pantani, K Lafdi, L Guadagno
Composites Part B: Engineering 162, 600-610, 2019
The role of carbon nanofiber defects on the electrical and mechanical properties of CNF-based resins
L Guadagno, M Raimondo, V Vittoria, L Vertuccio, K Lafdi, B De Vivo, ...
Nanotechnology 24 (30), 305704, 2013
Chemical and morphologial modifications of irradiated linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE)
L Guadagno, C Naddeo, V Vittoria, G Camino, C Cagnani
Polymer degradation and stability 72 (1), 175-186, 2001
Self-healing epoxy nanocomposites via reversible hydrogen bonding
L Guadagno, L Vertuccio, C Naddeo, E Calabrese, G Barra, M Raimondo, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 157, 1-13, 2019
Multifunctional graphene/POSS epoxy resin tailored for aircraft lightning strike protection
M Raimondo, L Guadagno, V Speranza, L Bonnaud, P Dubois, K Lafdi
Composites Part B: Engineering 140, 44-56, 2018
Nanofilled epoxy adhesive for structural aeronautic materials
U Vietri, L Guadagno, M Raimondo, L Vertuccio, K Lafdi
Composites Part B: Engineering 61, 73-83, 2014
Experimental and theoretical study on piezoresistive properties of a structural resin reinforced with carbon nanotubes for strain sensing and damage monitoring
G Spinelli, P Lamberti, V Tucci, L Vertuccio, L Guadagno
Composites Part B: Engineering 145, 90-99, 2018
Strain and damage monitoring in carbon-nanotube-based composite under cyclic strain
L Vertuccio, V Vittoria, L Guadagno, F De Santis
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 71, 9-16, 2015
Graphene-based structural adhesive to enhance adhesion performance
L Guadagno, M Sarno, U Vietri, M Raimondo, C Cirillo, P Ciambelli
RSC Advances 5 (35), 27874-27886, 2015
Mesomorphic form of syndiotactic polypropylene
Vittoria, L Guadagno, A Comotti, R Simonutti, F Auriemma, C De Rosa
Macromolecules 33 (16), 6200-6204, 2000
Healing efficiency and dynamic mechanical properties of self-healing epoxy systems
L Guadagno, M Raimondo, C Naddeo, P Longo, A Mariconda, WH Binder
Smart Materials and Structures 23 (4), 045001, 2014
Influence of carbon nanoparticles/epoxy matrix interaction on mechanical, electrical and transport properties of structural advanced materials
L Guadagno, C Naddeo, M Raimondo, G Barra, L Vertuccio, S Russo, ...
Nanotechnology 28 (9), 094001, 2017
Carbon‐supported copper nanomaterials: Recyclable catalysts for Huisgen [3+ 2] cycloaddition reactions
A Shaygan Nia, S Rana, D Döhler, F Jirsa, A Meister, L Guadagno, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 21 (30), 10763-10770, 2015
Effect of incorporation of POSS compounds and phosphorous hardeners on thermal and fire resistance of nanofilled aeronautic resins
M Raimondo, S Russo, L Guadagno, P Longo, S Chirico, A Mariconda, ...
RSC Advances 5 (15), 10974-10986, 2015
Electrical properties and memory effects of field-effect transistors from networks ofsingle-and double-walled carbon nanotubes
A Di Bartolomeo, M Rinzan, AK Boyd, Y Yang, L Guadagno, F Giubileo, ...
Nanotechnology 21 (11), 115204, 2010
Optimization of graphene-based materials outperforming host epoxy matrices
L Guadagno, M Raimondo, L Vertuccio, M Mauro, G Guerra, K Lafdi, ...
RSC Advances 5 (46), 36969-36978, 2015
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