Mark Windschitl
Mark Windschitl
Professor of Science Teaching & Learning, University of Washington
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Framing constructivism in practice as the negotiation of dilemmas: An analysis of the conceptual, pedagogical, cultural, and political challenges facing teachers
M Windschitl
Review of educational research 72 (2), 131-175, 2002
Beyond the scientific method: Model‐based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Science education 92 (5), 941-967, 2008
Tracing teachers’ use of technology in a laptop computer school: The interplay of teacher beliefs, social dynamics, and institutional culture
M Windschitl, K Sahl
American educational research journal 39 (1), 165-205, 2002
Inquiry projects in science teacher education: What can investigative experiences reveal about teacher thinking and eventual classroom practice?
M Windschitl
Science education 87 (1), 112-143, 2003
Proposing a core set of instructional practices and tools for teachers of science
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten, D Stroupe
Science education 96 (5), 878-903, 2012
Using computer simulations to enhance conceptual change: The roles of constructivist instruction and student epistemological beliefs
M Windschitl, T Andre
Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the …, 1998
Working toward a stronger conceptualization of scientific explanation for science education
M Braaten, M Windschitl
Science education 95 (4), 639-669, 2011
Folk theories of “inquiry:” How preservice teachers reproduce the discourse and practices of an atheoretical scientific method
M Windschitl
Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the …, 2004
Research news and comment: the WWW and classroom research: what path should we take?
M Windschitl
Educational researcher 27 (1), 28-33, 1998
Ambitious science teaching
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Harvard Education Press, 2020
The challenges of sustaining a constructivist classroom culture
M Windschitl
Phi Delta Kappan 80 (10), 751, 1999
Developing a theory of ambitious early-career teacher practice
J Thompson, M Windschitl, M Braaten
American educational research journal 50 (3), 574-615, 2013
Developing and using conceptual computer animations for chemistry instruction
KA Burke, TJ Greenbowe, MA Windschitl
Journal of chemical education 75 (12), 1658, 1998
Transcending simple forms of school science investigation: The impact of preservice instruction on teachers’ understandings of model-based inquiry
M Windschitl, J Thompson
American educational research journal 43 (4), 783-835, 2006
Ambitious pedagogy by novice teachers: Who benefits from tool-supported collaborative inquiry into practice and why?
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Teachers college record 113 (7), 1311-1360, 2011
How novice science teachers appropriate epistemic discourses around model-based inquiry for use in classrooms
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Cognition and Instruction 26 (3), 310-378, 2008
Practice makes practice: Learning to teach in teacher education
M McDonald, E Kazemi, M Kelley-Petersen, K Mikolasy, J Thompson, ...
Peabody Journal of Education 89 (4), 500-515, 2014
Creating opportunities for students to show what they know: The role of scaffolding in assessment tasks
H Kang, J Thompson, M Windschitl
Science Education 98 (4), 674-704, 2014
Designing, launching, and implementing high quality learning opportunities for students that advance scientific thinking
H Kang, M Windschitl, D Stroupe, J Thompson
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 53 (9), 1316-1340, 2016
When does immersion in a virtual environment help students construct understanding
W Winn, M Windschitl, R Fruland, Y Lee
Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS …, 2002
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