Dr. Ankur Bansal
Dr. Ankur Bansal
Indian Institute of Technology Jammu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Rate-splitting multiple access for intelligent reflecting surface aided multi-user communications
A Bansal, K Singh, B Clerckx, CP Li, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (9), 9217-9229, 2021
Rate-splitting multiple access for UAV-based RIS-enabled interference-limited vehicular communication system
A Bansal, N Agrawal, K Singh
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 8 (1), 936-948, 2022
Performance evaluation of RIS-assisted UAV-enabled vehicular communication system with multiple non-identical interferers
N Agrawal, A Bansal, K Singh, CP Li
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (7), 9883-9894, 2021
Finite block length analysis of RIS-assisted UAV-based multiuser IoT communication system with non-linear EH
N Agrawal, A Bansal, K Singh, CP Li, S Mumtaz
IEEE Transactions on Communications 70 (5), 3542-3557, 2022
Low-complexity decoding in DF MIMO relaying system
A Bansal, MR Bhatnagar, A Hjorungnes, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (3), 1123-1137, 2012
Decoding and performance bound of demodulate-and-forward based distributed Alamouti STBC
A Bansal, MR Bhatnagar, A Hjorungnes
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 12 (2), 702-713, 2012
On the performance of laser-powered UAV-assisted SWIPT enabled multiuser communication network with hybrid NOMA
SK Singh, K Agrawal, K Singh, A Bansal, CP Li, Z Ding
IEEE Transactions on Communications 70 (6), 3912-3929, 2022
Analysis of hierarchical rate splitting for intelligent reflecting surfaces-aided downlink multiuser MISO communications
A Bansal, K Singh, CP Li
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2, 785-798, 2021
Relay selection in mixed RF/FSO system over generalized channel fading
N Sharma, A Bansal, P Garg
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 28 (4), e3010, 2017
Decode‐and‐forward relaying in mixed ημ and gamma–gamma dual hop transmission system
N Sharma, A Bansal, P Garg
IET Communications 10 (14), 1769-1776, 2016
Multiple antenna selection and successive signal detection for SM-based IRS-aided communication
H Albinsaid, K Singh, A Bansal, S Biswas, CP Li, ZJ Haas
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 28, 813-817, 2021
Relayed FSO communication with aperture averaging receivers and misalignment errors
P Kumar Sharma, A Bansal, P Garg, T Tsiftsis, R Barrios
IET Communications 11 (1), 45-52, 2017
RIS selection scheme for UAV-based multi-RIS-aided multiuser downlink network with imperfect and outdated CSI
A Bansal, N Agrawal, K Singh, CP Li, S Mumtaz
IEEE Transactions on Communications 71 (8), 4650-4664, 2023
Relay assisted bi-directional communication in generalized turbulence fading
PK Sharma, A Bansal, P Garg
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (1), 133-139, 2015
RIS-assisted SSK modulation: Reflection phase modulation and performance analysis
U Singh, MR Bhatnagar, A Bansal
IEEE Communications Letters 26 (5), 1012-1016, 2022
Performance of FSO links under exponentiated Weibull turbulence fading with misalignment errors
PK Sharma, A Bansal, P Garg, TA Tsiftsis, R Barrios
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5110-5114, 2015
Performance evaluation of decode‐and‐forward‐based asymmetric SIMO‐RF/FSO system with misalignment errors
N Singhal, A Bansal, A Kumar
IET communications 11 (14), 2244-2252, 2017
On the performance of SLIPT-enabled DF relay-aided hybrid OW/RF network
A Girdher, A Bansal, A Dubey
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (4), 5973-5984, 2022
Relay selection in mixed RF/FSO system using DF relaying
N Sharma, A Bansal, P Garg
Photonic Network Communications 33, 143-151, 2017
Unified error performance of a multihop DF-FSO network with aperture averaging
D Agarwal, A Bansal
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 11 (3), 95-106, 2019
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