Javier Saiz
Javier Saiz
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Simulation of Action Potentials From Metabolically Impaired Cardiac Myocytes: Role of ATP-Sensitive K+ Current
JM Ferrero Jr, J Sáiz, JM Ferrero, NV Thakor
Circulation research 79 (2), 208-221, 1996
Modeling atrial fiber orientation in patient-specific geometries: a semi-automatic rule-based approach
MW Krueger, V Schmidt, C Tobón, FM Weber, C Lorenz, DUJ Keller, ...
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: 6th International Conference …, 2011
Computational assessment of drug‐induced effects on the electrocardiogram: from ion channel to body surface potentials
N Zemzemi, MO Bernabeu, J Saiz, J Cooper, P Pathmanathan, ...
British journal of pharmacology 168 (3), 718-733, 2013
A three-dimensional human atrial model with fiber orientation. Electrograms and arrhythmic activation patterns relationship
C Tobón, CA Ruiz-Villa, E Heidenreich, L Romero, F Hornero, J Saiz
PloS one 8 (2), e50883, 2013
A multiscale simulation system for the prediction of drug-induced cardiotoxicity
C Obiol-Pardo, J Gomis-Tena, F Sanz, J Saiz, M Pastor
Journal of chemical information and modeling 51 (2), 483-492, 2011
Assessment of relationships between blood pressure, pulse wave velocity and digital volume pulse
JM Padilla, EJ Berjano, J Saiz, L Facila, P Diaz, S Merce
2006 Computers in Cardiology, 893-896, 2006
Detailed anatomical and electrophysiological models of human atria and torso for the simulation of atrial activation
A Ferrer, R Sebastián, D Sánchez-Quintana, JF Rodriguez, EJ Godoy, ...
PloS one 10 (11), e0141573, 2015
Legacy data sharing to improve drug safety assessment: the eTOX project
F Sanz, F Pognan, T Steger-Hartmann, C Díaz, eTOX, M Cases, M Pastor, ...
Nature reviews Drug discovery 16 (12), 811-812, 2017
Electrical activity and reentry during acute regional myocardial ischemia: insights from simulations
JM Ferrero Jr, B Trénor, B Rodríguez, J Saiz
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 13 (12), 3703-3715, 2003
In silico screening of the impact of hERG channel kinetic abnormalities on channel block and susceptibility to acquired long QT syndrome
L Romero, B Trenor, PC Yang, J Saiz, CE Clancy
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 72, 126-137, 2014
Simulation and mechanistic investigation of the arrhythmogenic role of the late sodium current in human heart failure
B Trenor, K Cardona, JF Gomez, S Rajamani, JM Ferrero Jr, L Belardinelli, ...
PloS one 7 (3), e32659, 2012
Small bowel motility: relationship between smooth muscle contraction and electroenterogram signal
JL Martinez-de-Juan, J Saiz, M Meseguer, JL Ponce
Medical engineering & physics 22 (3), 189-199, 2000
Dominant frequency and organization index maps in a realistic three-dimensional computational model of atrial fibrillation
C Tobon, JF Rodríguez, JM Ferrero Jr, F Hornero, J Saiz
Europace 14 (suppl_5), v25-v32, 2012
Factors affecting basket catheter detection of real and phantom rotors in the atria: a computational study
L Martinez-Mateu, L Romero, A Ferrer-Albero, R Sebastian, ...
PLoS computational biology 14 (3), e1006017, 2018
Radio-frequency heating of the cornea: theoretical model and in vitro experiments
EJ Berjano, J Saiz, JM Ferrero
IEEE Transactions on biomedical Engineering 49 (3), 196-205, 2002
When Does the IC50 Accurately Assess the Blocking Potency of a Drug?
J Gomis-Tena, BM Brown, J Cano, B Trenor, PC Yang, J Saiz, CE Clancy, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 60 (3), 1779-1790, 2020
Plasticizer interaction with the heart: chemicals used in plastic medical devices can interfere with cardiac electrophysiology
R Jaimes III, D McCullough, B Siegel, L Swift, D McInerney, J Hiebert, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 12 (7), e007294, 2019
Dynamic approximate entropy electroanatomic maps detect rotors in a simulated atrial fibrillation model
JP Ugarte, A Orozco-Duque, C Tobón, V Kremen, D Novak, J Saiz, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e114577, 2014
Influence of electrical coupling on early after depolarizations in ventricular myocytes
J Saiz, JM Ferrero, M Monserrat, NV Thakor
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 46 (2), 138-147, 1999
Modeling for radio-frequency conductive keratoplasty: implications for the maximum temperature reached in the cornea
EJ Berjano, JL Alió, J Saiz
Physiological measurement 26 (3), 157, 2005
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