Harald von Korflesch
Harald von Korflesch
Kiti vardaiHarald von Kortzfleisch
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Revealing the theoretical basis of gamification: A systematic review and analysis of theory in research on gamification, serious games and game-based learning
J Krath, L Schürmann, HFO Von Korflesch
Computers in human behavior 125, 106963, 2021
A conceptual model of social entrepreneurial intention based on the social cognitive career theory
ATP Tran, H Von Korflesch
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 10 (1), 17-38, 2016
Why cross‐cultural knowledge transfer is a form of translation in more ways than you think
NJ Holden, HFO Von Kortzfleisch
Knowledge and process management 11 (2), 127-136, 2004
Employees’ company reputation-related social media competence: Scale development and validation
G Walsh, M Schaarschmidt, H Von Kortzfleisch
Journal of Interactive Marketing 36 (1), 46-59, 2016
Entrepreneurship education in Indonesian higher education: mapping literature from the Country’s perspective
RT Amalia, HFO von Korflesch
Entrepreneurship Education 4 (3), 291-333, 2021
How do firms influence open source software communities? A framework and empirical analysis of different governance modes
M Schaarschmidt, G Walsh, HFO von Kortzfleisch
Information and Organization 25 (2), 99-114, 2015
Potentials of entrepreneurial design thinking® for entrepreneurship education
HFO Von Kortzfleisch, D Zerwas, I Mokanis
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 106, 2080-2092, 2013
Player types and game element preferences: Investigating the relationship with the gamification user types hexad scale
J Krath, HFO von Korflesch
International conference on human-computer interaction, 219-238, 2021
Internal idea contests: Work environment perceptions and the moderating role of power distance
B Hober, M Schaarschmidt, H von Korflesch
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 6 (1), 1-10, 2021
SME 2.0: Roadmap towards Web 2.0-based open innovation in SME-networks–A case study based research framework
N Lindermann, S Valcárcel, M Schaarschmidt, H von Kortzfleisch
Information Systems–Creativity and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized …, 2009
Designing gamification and persuasive systems: A systematic literature review.
J Krath, HFO Von Korflesch
GamiFIN, 100-109, 2021
Entrepreneurship education in Indonesian higher education: mapping literature from the Country’s perspective. Entrepreneurship Education, 4 (3), 291–333
RT Amalia, HFO Von Korflesch
Acceptance of professional Web 2.0 platforms in regional SME networks: An evaluation based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
M Peris, N Blinn, M Nüttgens, N Lindermann, H von Kortzfleisch
2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on system sciences, 2793-2802, 2013
Corporate Web 2.0 Applications
H Von Kortzfleisch, I Mergel, S Manouchehri, M Schaarschmidt
Web 2.0: Neue Perspektiven für Marketing und Medien, 73-87, 2008
Challenges in the adoption of sustainability information systems: A study on green IS in organizations
J Kirchner-Krath, B Morschheuser, N Sicevic, N Xi, HFO von Korflesch, ...
International Journal of Information Management 77, 102754, 2024
Designing gamification for sustainable employee behavior: Insights on employee motivations, design features and gamification elements
J Krath, B Morschheuser, H Von Korflesch
A conceptual model of entrepreneurial reputation from a venture capitalist’s perspective
C Zerwas, HFO von Korflesch
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 17 (3), 143-154, 2016
Web 2.0 enabled employee collaboration in diverse SME networks: A CEOs perspective
M Schaarschmidt, H von Kortzfleisch, S Valcárcel, N Lindermann
Customer-induced interactions and innovation in professional services: the case of software customisation
M Schaarschmidt, G Walsh, M Bertram, H Von Kortzfleisch
International Journal of Innovation Management 19 (02), 1550019, 2015
Entrepreneurship education and design thinking: A conceptual threshold for their integration in Indonesian higher education
R Amalia, H von Korflesch
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 17 (2), 93-113, 2022
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