Karsten Dahl
Karsten Dahl
Sektionsleader/Senioradvisor, Aarhus Universitet
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Recovery of Danish coastal ecosystems after reductions in nutrient loading: a holistic ecosystem approach
B Riemann, J Carstensen, K Dahl, H Fossing, JW Hansen, HH Jakobsen, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 39, 82-97, 2016
Dim light melatonin onset and circadian temperature during a constant routine in hypersomnic winter depression
K Dahl, DH Avery, AJ Lewy, MV Savage, GL Brengelmann, LH Larsen, ...
Acta psychiatrica scandinavica 88 (1), 60-66, 1993
Towards benthic marine landscapes in the Baltic Sea
Z Al-Hamdani, J Reker, U Alanen, JH Andersen, J Bendtsen, U Bergström, ...
Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 1999-Selected Fish Species and Brown Shrimp
PD De Jong, K Dahl, T Neudecker, R Knust, CJM van Berkel
Wadden Sea Ecosystem 9, 148-152, 1999
Characterization of the gut microbiota in leptin deficient obese mice–Correlation to inflammatory and diabetic parameters
M Ellekilde, L Krych, CHF Hansen, MR Hufeldt, K Dahl, LH Hansen, ...
Research in veterinary science 96 (2), 241-250, 2014
Eutrophication in Europe's coastal waters
G Ærtebjerg, J Carstensen, K Dahl, J Hansen, K Nygaard, B Rygg, ...
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001
Knowledge of prenatal screening and psychological management of test decisions
K Dahl, L Hvidman, FS Jørgensen, US Kesmodel
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 38 (2), 152-157, 2011
Total and opportunistic algal cover in relation to environmental variables
D Krause-Jensen, J Carstensen, K Dahl
Marine Pollution Bulletin 55 (1-6), 114-125, 2007
Post-spring bloom community structure of pelagic copepods in the Disko Bay, Western Greenland
P Thor, TG Nielsen, P Tiselius, T Juul-Pedersen, C Michel, EF Møller, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 27 (4), 341-356, 2005
Re-established stony reef attracts harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena
L Mikkelsen, KN Mouritsen, K Dahl, J Teilmann, J Tougaard
Marine Ecology Progress Series 481, 239-248, 2013
Light and shade in marine conservation across European and contiguous seas
S Fraschetti, C Pipitone, AD Mazaris, G Rilov, F Badalamenti, ...
Frontiers in marine science 5, 420, 2018
Structure and clinical correlates of obsessive–compulsive symptoms in a large sample of children and adolescents: a factor analytic study across five nations
D Højgaard, EL Mortensen, T Ivarsson, K Hybel, G Skarphedinsson, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 26, 281-291, 2017
First‐trimester Down syndrome screening: pregnant women's knowledge
K Dahl, L Hvidman, FS Jørgensen, C Henriques, F Olesen, H Kjaergaard, ...
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 38 (2), 145-151, 2011
Spatial patterns of macroalgal abundance in relation to eutrophication
D Krause-Jensen, AL Middelboe, J Carstensen, K Dahl
Marine Biology 152, 25-36, 2007
Integrated assessment of marine biodiversity status using a prototype indicator-based assessment tool
JH Andersen, K Dahl, C Göke, M Hartvig, C Murray, A Rindorf, H Skov, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 1, 55, 2014
Maritime Spatial Planning supported by systematic site selection: Applying Marxan for offshore wind power in the western Baltic Sea
C Göke, K Dahl, C Mohn
PLoS One 13 (3), e0194362, 2018
Restoration of a temperate reef: effects on the fish community
J Støttrup, C Stenberg, K Dahl, LD Kristensen, K Richardson
Open Journal of Ecology 4 (16), 1045-1059, 2014
Marine områder 2003-Miljøtilstand og udvikling
G Ærtebjerg, JH Andersen, J Bendtsen, J Carstensen, T Christiansen, ...
Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, 2004
Stomach contents of mackerel, horse mackerel and whiting in the eastern part of the North Sea in July 1985
K Dahl, E Kirkegaard
Danmarks Fiskeri-og Havundersøgelser, 1986
Can tools contribute to integration in MSP? A comparative review of selected tools and approaches
K Gee, N Blazauskas, K Dahl, C Göke, B Hassler, A Kannen, N Leposa, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 179, 104834, 2019
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
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