Dagny Faksvåg Haugen
Dagny Faksvåg Haugen
Professor i palliativ medisin ved Universitetet i Bergen
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Studies comparing numerical rating scales, verbal rating scales, and visual analogue scales for assessment of pain intensity in adults: a systematic literature review
MJ Hjermstad, PM Fayers, DF Haugen, A Caraceni, GW Hanks, JH Loge, ...
Journal of pain and symptom management 41 (6), 1073-1093, 2011
Use of opioid analgesics in the treatment of cancer pain: evidence-based recommendations from the EAPC
A Caraceni, G Hanks, S Kaasa, MI Bennett, C Brunelli, N Cherny, O Dale, ...
The lancet oncology 13 (2), e58-e68, 2012
Integration of oncology and palliative care: a Lancet Oncology Commission
S Kaasa, JH Loge, M Aapro, T Albreht, R Anderson, E Bruera, C Brunelli, ...
The lancet oncology 19 (11), e588-e653, 2018
Preferences for place of death if faced with advanced cancer: a population survey in England, Flanders, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain
B Gomes, IJ Higginson, N Calanzani, J Cohen, L Deliens, BA Daveson, ...
Annals of oncology 23 (8), 2006-2015, 2012
Influence of TP53 Gene Alterations and c-erbB-2 Expression on the Response to Treatment with Doxorubicin in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
S Geisler, PE Lønning, T Aas, H Johnsen, Ø Fluge, DF Haugen, ...
Cancer research 61 (6), 2505-2512, 2001
Physical exercise for cancer patients with advanced disease: a randomized controlled trial
LM Oldervoll, JH Loge, S Lydersen, H Paltiel, MB Asp, UV Nygaard, ...
The oncologist 16 (11), 1649-1657, 2011
Assessment and classification of cancer breakthrough pain: a systematic literature review
DF Haugen, MJ Hjermstad, N Hagen, A Caraceni, S Kaasa, ...
Pain 149 (3), 476-482, 2010
A systematic review on the role of fish oil for the treatment of cachexia in advanced cancer: an EPCRC cachexia guidelines project
RL Ries A, Trottenberg P, Elsner F, Stiel S, Haugen DF, Kaasa S
Palliative Medicine 26 (4), 294-304, 2012
Pain assessment tools in palliative care: an urgent need for consensus
MJ Hjermstad, J Gibbins, DF Haugen, A Caraceni, JH Loge, S Kaasa, ...
Palliative Medicine 22 (8), 895-903, 2008
Symptom assessment in palliative care: a need for international collaboration
S Kaasa, JH Loge, P Fayers, A Caraceni, F Strasser, MJ Hjermstad, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 26 (23), 3867-3873, 2008
Outcome measurement in palliative care: the essentials
C Bausewein, B Daveson, A Benalia, ST Simon, IJ Higginson
PRISMA, 2014
Barriers to and facilitators for implementing quality improvements in palliative care–results from a qualitative interview study in Norway
R Sommerbakk, DF Haugen, A Tjora, S Kaasa, MJ Hjermstad
BMC palliative care 15, 1-17, 2016
Expression of c-erbB-3 and c-erbB-4 proteins in papillary thyroid carcinomas
DRF Haugen, LA Akslen, JE Varhaug, JR Lillehaug
Cancer Research 56 (6), 1184-1188, 1996
Funding models in palliative care: lessons from international experience
EI Groeneveld, JB Cassel, C Bausewein, Á Csikós, M Krajnik, K Ryan, ...
Palliative medicine 31 (4), 296-305, 2017
Prevalence of pain in hospitalised cancer patients in Norway: a national survey
A Holtan, N Aass, T Nordøy, DF Haugen, S Kaasa, W Mohr, ...
Palliative Medicine 21 (1), 7-13, 2007
Predictive value of tumour cell proliferation in locally advanced breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy
T Aas, S Geisler, GE Eide, DF Haugen, JE Varhaug, AM Bassøe, ...
European journal of cancer 39 (4), 438-446, 2003
Radiotherapy reduces sialorrhea in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
E Neppelberg, DF Haugen, L Thorsen, OB Tysnes
European journal of neurology 14 (12), 1373-1377, 2007
Computer-based symptom assessment is feasible in patients with advanced cancer: results from an international multicenter study, the EPCRC-CSA
MJ Hjermstad, HC Lie, A Caraceni, DC Currow, RL Fainsinger, ...
Journal of pain and symptom management 44 (5), 639-654, 2012
Safety and effectiveness of palliative drug treatment in the last days of life—a systematic literature review
K Jansen, DF Haugen, L Pont, S Ruths
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 55 (2), 508-521. e3, 2018
Characteristics of breakthrough cancer pain and its influence on quality of life in an international cohort of patients with cancer
MJ Hjermstad, S Kaasa, A Caraceni, JH Loge, T Pedersen, DF Haugen, ...
BMJ supportive & palliative care 6 (3), 344-352, 2016
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