Hillary Schiltz
Hillary Schiltz
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Examining the links between challenging behaviors in youth with ASD and parental stress, mental health, and involvement: Applying an adaptation of the family stress model to …
HK Schiltz, AJ McVey, B Magnus, BK Dolan, KS Willar, S Pleiss, J Karst, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48, 1169-1180, 2018
The role of loneliness as a mediator between autism features and mental health among autistic young adults
HK Schiltz, AJ McVey, B Dolan Wozniak, AD Haendel, R Stanley, A Arias, ...
Autism 25 (2), 545-555, 2021
Changes in Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents with ASD Completing the PEERS® Social Skills Intervention
HK Schiltz, AJ McVey, BK Dolan, KS Willar, S Pleiss, JS Karst, AM Carson, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48, 834-843, 2018
Brief Report: Does Gender Matter in Intervention for ASD? Examining the Impact of the PEERS® Social Skills Intervention on Social Behavior Among Females with …
AJ McVey, H Schiltz, A Haendel, BK Dolan, KS Willar, S Pleiss, JS Karst, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47, 2282-2289, 2017
Social difficulties in youth with autism with and without anxiety and ADHD symptoms
AJ McVey, HK Schiltz, AD Haendel, BK Dolan, KS Willar, SS Pleiss, ...
Autism Research 11 (12), 1679-1689, 2018
Behavioral inhibition and activation as a modifier process in autism spectrum disorder: examination of self‐reported BIS/BAS and alpha EEG asymmetry
HK Schiltz, AJ McVey, A Barrington, AD Haendel, BK Dolan, KS Willar, ...
Autism research 11 (12), 1653-1666, 2018
A preliminary psychometric analysis of the difficulties with emotion regulation scale (DERS) Among Autistic Adolescents and Adults: Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity
AJ McVey, HK Schiltz, M Coffman, L Antezana, B Magnus
Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-20, 2022
A psychometric analysis of the social anxiety scale for adolescents among youth with autism spectrum disorder: caregiver–adolescent agreement, factor structure, and validity
HK Schiltz, BE Magnus, AJ McVey, AD Haendel, BK Dolan, RE Stanley, ...
Assessment 28 (1), 100-115, 2021
A preliminary exploration of virtual reality-based visual and touch sensory processing assessment for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
A Koirala, Z Yu, H Schiltz, A Van Hecke, B Armstrong, Z Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29, 619-628, 2021
Differential item functioning based on autism features, IQ, and age on the screen for child anxiety related disorders (scared) among youth on the autism spectrum
HK Schiltz, BE Magnus
Autism Research 14 (6), 1220-1236, 2021
An exploration of using virtual reality to assess the sensory abnormalities in children with autism spectrum disorder
A Koirala, Z Yu, H Schiltz, A Van Hecke, KA Koth, Z Zheng
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design …, 2019
Examining differences in parenting stress, parenting efficacy, and household context among mothers of youth with autism and/or ADHD
HK Schiltz, AJ McVey, K Gonring, AD Haendel, C Murphy, AV Van Hecke, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 31 (3), 774-789, 2022
The stability of self-reported anxiety in youth with autism versus ADHD or typical development
H Schiltz, N McIntyre, L Swain-Lerro, M Zajic, P Mundy
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47, 3756-3764, 2017
Applying the vulnerability stress adaptation model of marriage to couples raising an autistic child: a call for research on adaptive processes
HK Schiltz, AV Van Hecke
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 24 (1), 120-140, 2021
Brief report: A pilot study examining the effects of PEERS® for adolescents telehealth for autistic adolescents
EJ Adler, HK Schiltz, DM Glad, SA Lehman, SK Pardej, RE Stanley, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 52 (12), 5491-5499, 2022
A longitudinal mixed-methods characterization of family support from adolescence to young adulthood in autism and other developmental disabilities
HK Schiltz, E Clarke, N Rosen, SG De La Rosa, N Masjedi, K Christopher, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 54 (9), 3225-3241, 2024
A longitudinal study of loneliness in autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities: Coping with loneliness from childhood through adulthood
H Schiltz, D Gohari, J Park, C Lord
Autism 28 (6), 1471-1486, 2024
Maternal and infant secretory immunoglobulin a across the peripartum period
LC Hibel, H Schiltz
Journal of Human Lactation 32 (3), NP44-NP51, 2016
Brief report: Links between nonconformity to gender norms, autistic features, and internalizing symptoms in a non-clinical college sample
HK Schiltz, AJ McVey, IS van Dyk, EJ Adler, AV Van Hecke
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 53 (4), 1717-1725, 2023
Measurement of social skills treatment outcome in autism: Moving beyond informant report and considering diversity
CT Moody, HK Schiltz, AB Ratto, AC Gulsrud, EA Laugeson
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities 62, 265-312, 2022
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