Patricia Chakur Brum
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1
DJ Klionsky, AK Abdel-Aziz, S Abdelfatah, M Abdellatif, A Abdoli, S Abel, ...
autophagy 17 (1), 1-382, 2021
Adaptações agudas e crônicas do exercício físico no sistema cardiovascular
PC Brum, CLM Forjaz, T Tinucci, CE Negrão
Rev Paul Educ Fís 18 (1), 21-31, 2004
Maximal lactate steady state in running mice: effect of exercise training
JCB Ferreira, NPL Rolim, JB Bartholomeu, CA Gobatto, E Kokubun, ...
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 34 (8), 760-765, 2007
Low-intensity exercise training decreases cardiac output and hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
AS Véras-Silva, KC Mattos, NS Gava, PC Brum, CE Negrão, EM Krieger
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 273 (6 …, 1997
Exercise training increases baroreceptor gain sensitivity in normal and hypertensive rats
PC Brum, GJJ Da Silva, ED Moreira, F Ida, CE Negrao, EM Krieger
Hypertension 36 (6), 1018-1022, 2000
Swimming training increases cardiac vagal activity and induces cardiac hypertrophy in rats
A Medeiros, EM Oliveira, R Gianolla, DE Casarini, CE Negrão, PC Brum
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 37, 1909-1917, 2004
Duration-controlled swimming exercise training induces cardiac hypertrophy in mice
FS Evangelista, PC Brum, JE Krieger
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 36, 1751-1759, 2003
Exercício físico como tratamento não farmacológico da hipertensão arterial
M Rondon, PC Brum
Rev Bras Hipertens 10 (2), 134-9, 2003
High-versus moderate-intensity aerobic exercise training effects on skeletal muscle of infarcted rats
JBN Moreira, LRG Bechara, LHM Bozi, PR Jannig, AWA Monteiro, ...
Journal of applied physiology 114 (8), 1029-1041, 2013
Acute and chronic effects of exercise on baroreflexes in spontaneously hypertensive rats
GJJ Silva, PC Brum, CE Negrão, EM Krieger
Hypertension 30 (3), 714-719, 1997
Exercise training prevents oxidative stress and ubiquitin-proteasome system overactivity and reverse skeletal muscle atrophy in heart failure
TF Cunha, AVN Bacurau, JBN Moreira, NA Paixao, JC Campos, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e41701, 2012
Beta2‐adrenergic receptor signaling in CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells enhances their suppressive function in a PKA‐dependent manner
MG Guereschi, LP Araujo, JT Maricato, MC Takenaka, VM Nascimento, ...
European journal of immunology 43 (4), 1001-1012, 2013
Cardiac anti‐remodelling effect of aerobic training is associated with a reduction in the calcineurin/NFAT signalling pathway in heart failure mice
RSF Oliveira, JCB Ferreira, ERM Gomes, NA Paixao, NPL Rolim, ...
The Journal of physiology 587 (15), 3899-3910, 2009
Exercise training changes IL-10/TNF-α ratio in the skeletal muscle of post-MI rats
ML Batista Jr, JC Rosa, RD Lopes, FS Lira, E Martins Jr, AS Yamashita, ...
Cytokine 49 (1), 102-108, 2010
Exercise training reduces sympathetic nerve activity in heart failure patients treated with carvedilol
R Fraga, FG Franco, F Roveda, LNJ de Matos, AMFW Braga, ...
European journal of heart failure 9 (6-7), 630-636, 2007
Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 activation in heart failure restores mitochondrial function and improves ventricular function and remodelling
KMS Gomes, JC Campos, LRG Bechara, B Queliconi, VM Lima, ...
Cardiovascular research 103 (4), 498-508, 2014
Effect of exercise training on RSNA, baroreflex control, and blood pressure responsiveness
CE Negrao, MC Irigoyen, ED Moreira, PC Brum, PM Freire, EM Krieger
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 1993
Exercise reestablishes autophagic flux and mitochondrial quality control in heart failure
JC Campos, BB Queliconi, LHM Bozi, LRG Bechara, PMM Dourado, ...
Autophagy 13 (8), 1304-1317, 2017
Creatine in type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
B Gualano, VDS Painneli, H Roschel, GG Artioli, JR Manoel Neves, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 43 (5), 770-778, 2011
Abnormal cardiac function associated with sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity in mice
PC Brum, J Kosek, A Patterson, D Bernstein, B Kobilka
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 283 (5 …, 2002
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
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