Tom Bernaerts
Tom Bernaerts
KU Leuven, Belgium
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The potential of microalgae and their biopolymers as structuring ingredients in food: A review
TMM Bernaerts, L Gheysen, I Foubert, ME Hendrickx, AM Van Loey
Biotechnology advances 37 (8), 107419, 2019
Comparison of microalgal biomasses as functional food ingredients: Focus on the composition of cell wall related polysaccharides
TMM Bernaerts, L Gheysen, C Kyomugasho, ZJ Kermani, S Vandionant, ...
Algal Research 32, 150-161, 2018
Cell disruption of Nannochloropsis sp. improves in vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids and ω3-LC-PUFA
TMM Bernaerts, H Verstreken, C Dejonghe, L Gheysen, I Foubert, ...
Journal of Functional Foods 65, 103770, 2020
Molecular and rheological characterization of different cell wall fractions of Porphyridium cruentum
TMM Bernaerts, C Kyomugasho, N Van Looveren, L Gheysen, I Foubert, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 195, 542-550, 2018
Evaluating microalgal cell disruption upon ultra high pressure homogenization
TMM Bernaerts, L Gheysen, I Foubert, ME Hendrickx, AM Van Loey
Algal Research 42, 101616, 2019
Microalgal biomass as a (multi) functional ingredient in food products: Rheological properties of microalgal suspensions as affected by mechanical and thermal processing
TMM Bernaerts, A Panozzo, V Doumen, I Foubert, L Gheysen, K Goiris, ...
Algal Research 25, 452-463, 2017
Structural and emulsion stabilizing properties of pectin rich extracts obtained from different botanical sources
B Neckebroeck, SHE Verkempinck, J Van Audenhove, T Bernaerts, ...
Food Research International 141, 110087, 2021
Impact of processing on n-3 LC-PUFA in model systems enriched with microalgae
L Gheysen, T Bernaerts, C Bruneel, K Goiris, J Van Durme, A Van Loey, ...
Food Chemistry 268, 441-450, 2018
Impact of microalgal species on the oxidative stability of n-3 LC-PUFA enriched tomato puree
L Gheysen, R Demets, J Devaere, T Bernaerts, P Goos, A Van Loey, ...
Algal Research 40, 101502, 2019
The structure and composition of extracted pectin and residual cell wall material from processing tomato: The role of a stepwise approach versus high-pressure homogenization …
J Van Audenhove, T Bernaerts, V De Smet, S Delbaere, AM Van Loey, ...
Foods 10 (5), 1064, 2021
Impact of Nannochloropsis sp. dosage form on the oxidative stability of n-3 LC-PUFA enriched tomato purees
L Gheysen, N Lagae, J Devaere, K Goiris, P Goos, T Bernaerts, ...
Food Chemistry 279, 389-400, 2019
Impact of processing on the production of a carotenoid-rich Cucurbita maxima cv. Hokkaido pumpkin juice
S Atencio, SHE Verkempinck, T Bernaerts, K Reineke, M Hendrickx, ...
Food Chemistry 380, 132191, 2022
Impact of different sequences of mechanical and thermal processing on the rheological properties of Porphyridium cruentum and Chlorella vulgaris as functional food ingredients
TMM Bernaerts, A Panozzo, KAF Verhaegen, L Gheysen, I Foubert, ...
Food & function 9 (4), 2433-2446, 2018
Measuring primary lipid oxidation in food products enriched with colored microalgae
L Gheysen, C Dejonghe, T Bernaerts, A Van Loey, L De Cooman, ...
Food Analytical Methods 12, 2150-2160, 2019
Impact of cell intactness and starch state on the thickening potential of chickpea flours in water-flour systems
LEC Noordraven, T Bernaerts, L Mommens, ME Hendrickx, AM Van Loey
Lwt 146, 111409, 2021
Impact of processing on the functionalization of pumpkin pomace as a food texturizing ingredient
S Atencio, T Bernaerts, D Liu, K Reineke, M Hendrickx, A Van Loey
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 69, 102669, 2021
The role of mechanical collapse by cryogenic ball milling on the effect of high-pressure homogenization on the microstructural and texturizing properties of partially pectin …
J Van Audenhove, T Bernaerts, NI Putri, L Van Rooy, AM Van Loey, ...
Food Research International 155, 111033, 2022
The effect of exogenous enzymes and mechanical treatment on mango purée: Effect on the molecular properties of pectic substances
ZJ Kermani, A Shpigelman, TMM Bernaerts, AM Van Loey, ME Hendrickx
Food Hydrocolloids 50, 193-202, 2015
The functionalisation of fruit and vegetable cell wall material as texturizing agent: The role of pectin depletion and particle size reduction techniques
J Van Audenhove, T Bernaerts, NI Putri, AM Van Loey, ME Hendrickx
Food Hydrocolloids 142, 108814, 2023
Comparing the effect of several pretreatment steps, selected to steer (bio) chemical reactions, on the volatile profile of leek (Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum)
SM Delbaere, T Bernaerts, F Vancoillie, C Buvé, ME Hendrickx, ...
Lwt 172, 114205, 2022
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