William A. Argiroff
Exploring the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil carbon dynamics
DR Zak, PT Pellitier, WA Argiroff, B Castillo, TY James, LE Nave, C Averill, ...
New Phytologist 223 (1), 33-39, 2019
Active microorganisms in forest soils differ from the total community yet are shaped by the same environmental factors: the influence of pH and soil moisture
KJ Romanowicz, ZB Freedman, RA Upchurch, WA Argiroff, DR Zak
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92 (10), fiw149, 2016
Anthropogenic N deposition increases soil C storage by reducing the relative abundance of lignolytic fungi
EM Entwistle, DR Zak, WA Argiroff
Ecological Monographs 88 (2), 225-244, 2018
Anthropogenic N deposition, fungal gene expression, and an increasing soil carbon sink in the Northern Hemisphere
DR Zak, WA Argiroff, ZB Freedman, RA Upchurch, EM Entwistle, ...
Ecology 100 (10), e02804, 2019
Decay by ectomycorrhizal fungi couples soil organic matter to nitrogen availability
WA Argiroff, DR Zak, PT Pellitier, RA Upchurch, JP Belke
Ecology Letters 25 (2), 391-404, 2022
Anthropogenic N deposition alters soil organic matter biochemistry and microbial communities on decaying fine roots
WA Argiroff, DR Zak, RA Upchurch, SO Salley, AS Grandy
Global change biology 25 (12), 4369-4382, 2019
Microbial community functional potential and composition are shaped by hydrologic connectivity in riverine floodplain soils
WA Argiroff, DR Zak, CM Lanser, MJ Wiley
Microbial ecology 73 (3), 630-644, 2017
Ectomycorrhizal access to organic nitrogen mediates CO2 fertilization response in a dominant temperate tree
PT Pellitier, I Ibáñez, DR Zak, WA Argiroff, K Acharya
Nature Communications 12 (1), 5403, 2021
Anthropogenic N deposition alters the composition of expressed class II fungal peroxidases
EM Entwistle, KJ Romanowicz, WA Argiroff, ZB Freedman, JJ Morris, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 84 (9), e02816-17, 2018
Coupled shifts in ectomycorrhizal communities and plant uptake of organic nitrogen along a soil gradient: an isotopic perspective
PT Pellitier, DR Zak, WA Argiroff, RA Upchurch
Ecosystems 24 (8), 1976-1990, 2021
Fungal community composition and genetic potential regulate fine root decay in northern temperate forests
WA Argiroff, DR Zak, RA Upchurch, PT Pellitier, JP Belke
Molecular Ecology 32 (8), 2005-2021, 2023
Seasonality and longer-term development generate temporal dynamics in the Populus microbiome
WA Argiroff, AA Carrell, DM Klingeman, NC Dove, W Muchero, AM Veach, ...
Msystems 9 (3), e00886-23, 2024
Taxonomic Composition and Functional Potential of Sediment Microbial Communities Vary Between Floodplain Wetlands with Differing Management Histories
W Argiroff
Arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity increases across a plant productivity gradient driven by soil nitrogen availability
MR McPherson, DR Zak, I Ibáñez, RA Upchurch, WA Argiroff
Plant‐Environment Interactions 5 (4), e70002, 2024
Assessing relationships between soil organic matter (SOM) chemistry and microbial diversity with implications for carbon storage in a changing climate
B Propson, W Argiroff, G Cagle, RA Upchurch, DR Zak, S Grandy, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (2078), B21J-2078, 2023
Fungal Community Composition Regulates Fine Root Decay: Implications for the Cycling and Storage of Carbon in Terrestrial Ecosystems
W Argiroff
Decay by ectomycorrhizal fungi limits soil carbon storage
W Argiroff, D Zak, P Pellitier, R Upchurch, J Belke
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, B22B-04, 2021
Ectomycorrhizal Access To Organic N Enhances Plant Growth Response to Rising [CO2]
PT Pellitier, I Ibáñez, DR Zak, WA Argiroff, K Acharya
Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Differentially Obtain Nitrogen Derived From Soil …, 2020
Anthropogenic N Deposition Increases Soil C Storage By Differentially Impacting Soil Bacteria and Fungi across a Northern Hardwood Forest Ecosystem
Z Freedman, W Argiroff, E Entwistle, DR Zak
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2019), 2019
Experimental nitrogen deposition alters fungal communities metabolizing fine-root litter
RA Upchurch, W Argiroff, DR Zak
2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6--11), 2017
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