Aleksandra Fedajev
Aleksandra Fedajev
Assistent Profesor of Economics, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The relationship between CO2 emissions, economic growth, available energy, and employment in SEE countries
P Mitić, A Fedajev, M Radulescu, A Rehman
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (6), 16140-16155, 2023
A new approach within ANP-SWOT framework for prioritization of ecosystem management and case study of National Park Djerdap, Serbia
S Arsić, D Nikolić, I Mihajlović, A Fedajev, Ž Živković
Ecological Economics 146, 85-95, 2018
Assessment of progress towards “Europe 2020” strategy targets by using the MULTIMOORA method and the Shannon Entropy Index
A Fedajev, D Stanujkic, D Karabašević, WKM Brauers, EK Zavadskas
Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118895, 2020
Europe 2020 implementation as driver of economic performance and competitiveness. Panel analysis of CEE countries
M Radulescu, A Fedajev, CI Sinisi, C Popescu, SE Iacob
Sustainability 10 (2), 566, 2018
Has COVID-19 pandemic crisis changed the EU convergence patterns?
A Fedajev, M Radulescu, AG Babucea, V Mihajlovic, Z Yousaf, R Milićević
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 35 (1), 2112-2141, 2022
Evaluation of sustainable energy development progress in EU member states in the context of building renovation
R Remeikienė, L Gasparėnienė, A Fedajev, M Szarucki, M Đekić, ...
Energies 14 (14), 4209, 2021
The role of ICT development in boosting economic growth in transition economies
R Remeikiene, V Vebraite
Journal of international studies 14 (4), 2021
The effects of exchange rate depreciations and appreciations on the tourism trade balance: the case of Spain.
C IŞIK, M Radulescu, A Fedajev
Eastern Journal of European Studies 10 (1), 2019
The agriculture sector in Western Balkans–some characteristics of development
R Nikolić, A Fedajev, V Stefanović, S Ilić
Економика пољопривреде 64 (1), 275-293, 2017
Modelling complex relationships between sustainable competitiveness and digitalization
I Petkovski, A Fedajev, J Bazen
Journal of competitiveness 14 (2), 79-96, 2022
Analysis of Business Environment Using the Multi-Criteria Approach-Case of Balkan's Transition Economies
S Obradović, A Fedajev, Đ Nikolić
Serbian Journal of Management 7 (1), 37-52, 2012
Links between crime and economic development: EU classification.
R Remeikiene, L Gaspareniene, A Fedajev, E Raistenskis, A Krivins
Equilibrium (1689-765X) 17 (4), 2022
Ranking of EU national banking systems using multi-criteria analysis in the light of Brexit
M Radulescu, A Fedajev, D Nikolic
Acta Oeconomica 67 (4), 473-509, 2017
Patterns of structural changes in CEE economies in new millennium
A Fedajev, D Nikolic, M Radulescu, CI Sinisi
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 25 (6), 1336-1362, 2019
Factors of the shadow economy in market and transition economies during the post-crisis period: Is there a difference?
A Fedajev, M Veličković, R Nikolić, M Cogoljevic, R Remeikienė
Inžinerinė ekonomika 33 (3), 246-263, 2022
The measurement of real convergence in the EU-28 by using the entropy method
D Durkalić, A Fedajev, S Furtula, N Stanišić
Ekonomický časopis 67 (7), 698-724, 2019
Driving industrial and economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe: The role of electricity infrastructure and renewable energy
A Fedajev, P Mitić, M Kojić, M Radulescu
Utilities policy 85, 101683, 2023
Investigating factors of customer loyalty formation for wellness spa
M Lakićević, D Pantović, A Fedajev
Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in …, 2024
Okun's Law (A) symmetry in SEE Countries: Evidence from Nonlinear ARDL model
V Mihajlović, A Fedajev
Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting 24 (3), 140-157, 2021
Serbian economy in transition period
R Nikolić, A Fedajev, I Svrkota
Economcs Management Information Technology 1 (1), 1-19, 2012
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20