S. Morteza Hatefi
S. Morteza Hatefi
Associate Professor at Faculty of Engineering, Shahrekord University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Robust and reliable forward–reverse logistics network design under demand uncertainty and facility disruptions
SM Hatefi, F Jolai
Applied mathematical modelling 38 (9-10), 2630-2647, 2014
A common weight MCDA–DEA approach to construct composite indicators
SM Hatefi, SA Torabi
Ecological Economics 70 (1), 114-120, 2010
ABC inventory classification in the presence of both quantitative and qualitative criteria
SA Torabi, SM Hatefi, BS Pay
Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (2), 530-537, 2012
An enhanced possibilistic programming approach for reliable closed-loop supply chain network design
SA Torabi, J Namdar, SM Hatefi, F Jolai
International journal of production research 54 (5), 1358-1387, 2016
Multi-criteria ABC inventory classification with mixed quantitative and qualitative criteria
SM Hatefi, SA Torabi, P Bagheri
International Journal of Production Research 52 (3), 776-786, 2014
An integrated fuzzy DEMATEL-fuzzy ANP model for evaluating construction projects by considering interrelationships among risk factors
SM Hatefi, J Tamošaitienė
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 25 (2), 114-131, 2019
A credibility-constrained programming for reliable forward–reverse logistics network design under uncertainty and facility disruptions
SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 28 (6), 664-678, 2015
Construction projects assessment based on the sustainable development criteria by an integrated fuzzy AHP and improved GRA model
SM Hatefi, J Tamošaitienė
Sustainability 10 (4), 991, 2018
Strategic planning of urban transportation system based on sustainable development dimensions using an integrated SWOT and fuzzy COPRAS approach
SM Hatefi
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 4 (1), 99-112, 2018
A hybrid genetic algorithm-TOPSIS-computer simulation approach for optimum operator assignment in cellular manufacturing systems
A Azadeh, H Kor, SM Hatefi
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 34 (1), 57-74, 2011
Model for the sustainable material selection by applying integrated dempster-shafer evidence theory and additive ratio assessment (ARAS) method
SM Hatefi, H Asadi, G Shams, J Tamošaitienė, Z Turskis
Sustainability 13 (18), 10438, 2021
Evaluating hospital performance using an integrated balanced scorecard and fuzzy data envelopment analysis
SM Hatefi, A Haeri
Health Management & Information Science 6 (2), 66-76, 2019
A common weight linear optimization approach for multicriteria ABC inventory classification
SM Hatefi, SA Torabi
Advances in Decision Sciences 2015, 2015
A slack analysis framework for improving composite indicators with applications to human development and sustainable energy indices
SM Hatefi, SA Torabi
Econometric Reviews 37 (3), 247-259, 2018
Reliable design of an integrated forward-revere logistics network under uncertainty and facility disruptions: A fuzzy possibilistic programing model
SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 19, 1117-1128, 2015
An evidential model for environmental risk assessment in projects using Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence
SM Hatefi, ME Basiri, J Tamošaitienė
Sustainability 11 (22), 6329, 2019
A model for project scheduling with fuzzy precedence links
M Sharafi, F Jolai, H Iranmanesh, SM Hatefi
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2 (4), 1356-1361, 2008
A new model for classifying inputs and outputs and evaluating the performance of DMUs based on translog output distance function
SM Hatefi, F Jolai
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (6), 1439-1449, 2010
Reliable forward-reverse logistics network design under partial and complete facility disruptions
SM Hatefi, F Jolai
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 20 (3), 370-394, 2015
The evaluation of supply chain performance in the Oil Products Distribution Company, using in-formation technology indicators and fuzzy TOPSIS technique
DM Janakia, H Izadbakhsha, SM Hatefib
Management Science Letters 8, 835-848, 2018
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