Peter Verveer
Peter Verveer
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An acylation cycle regulates localization and activity of palmitoylated Ras isoforms
O Rocks, A Peyker, M Kahms, PJ Verveer, C Koerner, M Lumbierres, ...
Science 307 (5716), 1746-1752, 2005
Growth factor-induced MAPK network topology shapes Erk response determining PC-12 cell fate
SDM Santos, PJ Verveer, PIH Bastiaens
Nature cell biology 9 (3), 324-330, 2007
Imaging biochemistry inside cells
FS Wouters, PJ Verveer, PIH Bastiaens
Trends in cell biology 11 (5), 203-211, 2001
Imaging sites of receptor dephosphorylation by PTP1B on the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum
FG Haj, PJ Verveer, A Squire, BG Neel, PIH Bastiaens
Science 295 (5560), 1708-1711, 2002
Quantitative imaging of lateral ErbB1 receptor signal propagation in the plasma membrane
PJ Verveer, FS Wouters, AR Reynolds, PIH Bastiaens
Science 290 (5496), 1567-1570, 2000
High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of large specimens with light sheet–based microscopy
PJ Verveer, J Swoger, F Pampaloni, K Greger, M Marcello, EHK Stelzer
Nature methods 4 (4), 311-313, 2007
Ezrin is a downstream effector of trafficking PKC–integrin complexes involved in the control of cell motility
T Ng, M Parsons, WE Hughes, J Monypenny, D Zicha, A Gautreau, ...
The EMBO journal, 2001
Imaging the intracellular trafficking and state of the AB5 quaternary structure of cholera toxin.
PI Bastiaens, IV Majoul, PJ Verveer, HD Söling, TM Jovin
The EMBO Journal 15 (16), 4246-4253, 1996
Global analysis of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy data
PJ Verveer, A Squire, PIH Bastiaens
Biophysical journal 78 (4), 2127-2137, 2000
Graphical representation and multicomponent analysis of single‐frequency fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy data
AHA Clayton, QS Hanley, PJ Verveer
Journal of microscopy 213 (1), 1-5, 2004
EGFR activation coupled to inhibition of tyrosine phosphatases causes lateral signal propagation
AR Reynolds, C Tischer, PJ Verveer, O Rocks, PIH Bastiaens
Nature cell biology 5 (5), 447-453, 2003
Multi-view image fusion improves resolution in three-dimensional microscopy
J Swoger, P Verveer, K Greger, J Huisken, EHK Stelzer
Optics express 15 (13), 8029-8042, 2007
A quantitative comparison of image restoration methods for confocal microscopy
GMP Van Kempen, LJ van Vliet, PJ Verveer, HTM van der Voort
Journal of Microscopy 185 (3), 354-365, 1997
Coordinate-based colocalization analysis of single-molecule localization microscopy data
S Malkusch, U Endesfelder, J Mondry, M Gelléri, PJ Verveer, ...
Histochemistry and cell biology 137, 1-10, 2012
An evaluation of intrinsic dimensionality estimators
PJ Verveer, RPW Duin
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 17 (1), 81-86, 1995
Activation of the p75 neurotrophin receptor through conformational rearrangement of disulphide-linked receptor dimers
M Vilar, I Charalampopoulos, RS Kenchappa, A Simi, E Karaca, A Reversi, ...
Neuron 62 (1), 72-83, 2009
A comparison of image restoration approaches applied to three‐dimensional confocal and wide‐field fluorescence microscopy
PJ Verveer, MJ Gemkow, TM Jovin
Journal of microscopy 193 (1), 50-61, 1999
An optical sectioning programmable array microscope implemented with a digital micromirror device
Hanley, Verveer, Gemkow, Jovin
Journal of microscopy 196 (3), 317-331, 1999
Multiple frequency fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
Squire, Verveer, Bastiaens
Journal of Microscopy 197 (2), 136-149, 2000
Confocal spectroscopy system and method
TM Jovin, Q Hanley, P Verveer
US Patent 6,128,077, 2000
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