Dr. Nitima Malsa
Dr. Nitima Malsa
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Framework and smart contract for blockchain enabled certificate verification system using robotics
N Malsa, V Vyas, J Gautam, RN Shaw, A Ghosh
Machine Learning for Robotics Applications, 125-138, 2021
Twitter data sentiment analysis using naive bayes classifier and generation of heat map for analyzing intensity geographically
J Gautam, M Atrey, N Malsa, A Balyan, RN Shaw, A Ghosh
Advances in Applications of Data-Driven Computing, 129-139, 2021
Blockchain-based academic certificate verification system—a review
S Pathak, V Gupta, N Malsa, A Ghosh, RN Shaw
Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies: Proceedings of ICACIT 2022 …, 2022
Reduction in Gas Cost for Blockchain Enabled Smart Contract
N Malsa, V Vyas, J Gautam
2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication …, 2021
RMSE calculation of LSTM models for predicting prices of different cryptocurrencies
N Malsa, V Vyas, J Gautam
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 1-9, 2021
CERTbchain: a step by step approach towards building a blockchain based distributed appliaction for certificate verification system
N Malsa, V Vyas, J Gautam, A Ghosh, RN Shaw
2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and …, 2021
Source of treatment selection for different states of india and performance analysis using machine learning algorithms for classification
N Malsa, P Singh, J Gautam, A Srivastava, SP Singh
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2019, 235-245, 2020
Blockchain Platforms and Interpreting the Effects of Bitcoin Pricing on Cryptocurrencies
N Malsa, V Vyas, J Gautam
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications, 137-147, 2021
Smart contract for academic certificate verification using ethereum
S Pathak, V Gupta, N Malsa, A Ghosh, RN Shaw
Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies: Proceedings of ICACIT 2022 …, 2022
Establishing three layer architecture to improve interoperability in Medicare using smart and strategic API led integration
R Mishra, I Kaur, S Sahu, S Saxena, N Malsa, M Narwaria
SoftwareX 22, 101376, 2023
Short-term load forecasting using parametric and non-parametric approaches
P Gupta, N Malsa, N Saxena, S Agarwal, SP Singh
Soft computing: theories and applications: proceedings of SoCTA 2018, 747-755, 2020
Smart Contract for Decentralized Water Management System using Blockchain Technology , ,
NM Soniya Tiwari, Jyoti Gautam, Vimal Gupta
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2020
Enhancement of UAV Data Security and Privacy via Ethereum Blockchain Technology.
SS Rawat, Y Alotaibi, N Malsa, V Gupta
Computers, Materials & Continua 76 (2), 2023
Accurate rating system using blockchain
BCG Kumar, M Garg, J Saini, K Chauhan, N Malsa, K Malsa
International Conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems …, 2022
Credit card fraud detection and prevention—a survey
S Gupta, N Malsa, MV Gupta
International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology 4, 1-7, 2017
Framework for land registry system using Ethereum blockchain
U Sahni, S Garg, T Srivastava, T Sharma, N Malsa, A Ghosh, RN Shaw, ...
International Conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems …, 2022
Blockchain-enabled smart contract optimization for healthcare monitoring systems
N Malsa, V Vyas, P Singh
Cloud Computing Enabled Big-Data Analytics in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, 229-250, 2022
A Particle Swarm Optimization Based ANN Predictive Model for Statistical Detection of COVID-19
A Rajpoot, G Saluja, N Malsa, V Gupta
Advanced Technologies and Societal Change book series (ATSC), 2021
Air Quality Prediction using Forward Stepwise Regression by refinement of Ontology with respect to the Indian Domain
P Choudhary, J Gautam, N Malsa
International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Science 7, 1-8, 2017
SMART CITIES: P2P energy trading using blockchain
N Malsa, T Srivastave, U Sahni, S Garg, A Ghosh, RN Shaw
International Conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems …, 2022
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