Claire E. Lukens
Bedrock composition regulates mountain ecosystems and landscape evolution
WJ Hahm, CS Riebe, CE Lukens, S Araki
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3338-3343, 2014
The problem of predicting the size distribution of sediment supplied by hillslopes to rivers
LS Sklar, CS Riebe, JA Marshall, J Genetti, S Leclere, CL Lukens, ...
Geomorphology 277, 31-49, 2017
Deposits from wave-influenced turbidity currents: Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation, Colorado, USA
MP Lamb, PM Myrow, C Lukens, K Houck, J Strauss
Journal of Sedimentary Research 78 (7), 480-498, 2008
Climate and topography control the size and flux of sediment produced on steep mountain slopes
CS Riebe, LS Sklar, CE Lukens, DL Shuster
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (51), 15574-15579, 2015
Miocene exhumation of the Pamir revealed by detrital geothermochronology of Tajik rivers
CE Lukens, B Carrapa, BS Singer, G Gehrels
Tectonics 31 (2), 2012
Dynamics of a transgressive prodeltaic system: Implications for geography and climate within a Pennsylvanian intracratonic basin, Colorado, USA
PM Myrow, C Lukens, MP Lamb, K Houck, J Strauss
Journal of Sedimentary Research 78 (8), 512-528, 2008
Grain size bias in cosmogenic nuclide studies of stream sediment in steep terrain
CE Lukens, CS Riebe, LS Sklar, DL Shuster
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (5), 978-999, 2016
Downvalley fining of hillslope sediment in an alpine catchment: implications for downstream fining of sediment flux in mountain rivers
LS Sklar, CS Riebe, J Genetti, S Leclere, CE Lukens
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (8), 1828-1845, 2020
Patterns of debris flow initiation and periglacial sediment sourcing in the Colorado Front Range
AI Patton, SL Rathburn, EL Bilderback, CE Lukens
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (15), 2998-3008, 2018
Increased forest cover and limits on clear-felling could substantially reduce landslide occurrence in Tasman, New Zealand.
JW Griffiths, CE Lukens, R May
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 50, 2020
Catchment power and the joint distribution of elevation and travel distance to the outlet
LS Sklar, CS Riebe, CE Lukens, D Bellugi
Earth Surface Dynamics 4 (4), 799-818, 2016
Sediment size and abrasion biases in detrital thermochronology
CE Lukens, CS Riebe, LS Sklar, DL Shuster
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 531, 115929, 2020
Tephra for the Trees? Geochemical Constraints on Weathering and Tephra Inputs to Soils on New Zealand's North Island
CE Lukens, KP Norton
Hydrogeology, chemical weathering, and soil formation, 105-119, 2021
Spatial Veriation in Sediment Production Across Mountain Catchments: Insights from Cosmogenic Nuclides and Tracer Thermochronometry
CE Lukens
University of Wyoming, 2016
Hyperpycnal wave-modified turbidites of the Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation, north-central Colorado
PM Myrow, M Lamb, C Lukens, K Houck, C Kluth, J Parsons
Minturn Fieldtrip Material. Department of Geology, The Colorado College, 2010
Journal of Sedimentary Research
MP Lamb, PM Myrow, C Lukens, K Houck, J Strauss
Paleohydraulic interpretations of wave-modified hyperpycnal flow deposits
PM Myrow, M Lamb, C Lukens, K Houck
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2006, PP23B-1763, 2006
Wave-modified turbidites: hyperpycnal flow deposits in the Minturn Formation, central Colorado
C Lukens, PM Myrow, M Lamb, K Houck, J Parsons
Colorado College., 2004
Rapid weathering and slow erosion in a tectonically active tropical setting.
J Oesterle, K Norton, C Lukens, T Little, S Webber, M Mizera
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Tectono-thermal evolution of the Western Pamir Mountains, using 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology on modern river sands
CE Lukens, B Carrapa, LM Schoenbohm, BS Singer, B Jicha
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, T43C-2099, 2009
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