Yu Chih Huang
Yu Chih Huang
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Exploring the implications of virtual reality technology in tourism marketing: An integrated research framework
YC Huang, KF Backman, SJ Backman, LL Chang
International Journal of Tourism Research 18 (2), 116-128, 2016
Exploring user acceptance of 3D virtual worlds in travel and tourism marketing
YC Huang, SJ Backman, KF Backman, DW Moore
Tourism management 36, 490-501, 2013
Creative tourism: a preliminary examination of creative tourists’ motivation, experience, perceived value and revisit intention
LL Chang, K F. Backman, Y Chih Huang
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 8 (4 …, 2014
An investigation of motivation and experience in virtual learning environments: A self-determination theory
YC Huang, SJ Backman, KF Backman, FA McGuire, DW Moore
Education and Information Technologies 24, 591-611, 2019
Examining an extended technology acceptance model with experience construct on hotel consumers’ adoption of mobile applications
YC Huang, LL Chang, CP Yu, J Chen
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 28 (8), 957-980, 2019
Exploring the impacts of involvement and flow experiences in Second Life on people's travel intentions
YC Huang, SJ Backman, KF Backman
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 3 (1), 4-23, 2012
Restorative effects of virtual natural settings on middle-aged and elderly adults
CP Yu, HY Lee, WH Lu, YC Huang, MHEM Browning
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 56, 126863, 2020
Student attitude toward virtual learning in second life: A flow theory approach
YC Huang, SJ Backman, KF Backman
Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism 10 (4), 312-334, 2010
Customer experience, well-being, and loyalty in the spa hotel context: Integrating the top-down & bottom-up theories of well-being
YC Huang, CCB Chen, MJ Gao
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 36 (5), 595-611, 2019
Experiencing student learning and tourism training in a 3D virtual world: An exploratory study
YC Huang, SJ Backman, LL Chang, KF Backman, FA McGuire
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 13, 190-201, 2013
Vacation lifestyle and travel behaviors
JS Chen, YC Huang, JS Cheng
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 26 (5-6), 494-506, 2009
Engaging with restorative environments in wellness tourism
SJ Backman, YC Huang, CC Chen, HY Lee, JS Cheng
Current Issues in Tourism 26 (5), 789-806, 2023
Detecting common method bias in predicting creative tourists behavioural intention with an illustration of theory of planned behaviour
YC Huang, LL Chang, KF Backman
Current Issues in Tourism 22 (3), 307-329, 2019
Surfing in virtual reality: An application of extended technology acceptance model with flow theory
YC Huang, LN Li, HY Lee, MHEM Browning, CP Yu
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 9, 100252, 2023
The impacts of virtual experiences on people’s travel intentions
YC Huang, SJ Backman, KF Backman
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010, 555-566, 2010
Understanding leisure trip experience and subjective well-being: An illustration of creative travel experience
YC Huang, JS Cheng, LL Chang
Applied Research in Quality of Life 15, 1161-1182, 2020
Residents’ attitudes toward island tourism development in Taiwan
CP Yu, YC Huang, PF Yeh, PH Chao
Island Studies Journal 12 (2), 159-176, 2017
Second life: The potential of 3D virtual worlds in travel and tourism industry
YC Huang, SJ Backman, FA McGuire, KF Backman, LL Chang
Tourism Analysis 18 (4), 471-477, 2013
Virtual tourism: Identifying the factors that affect a tourist's experience and behavioral intentions in a 3D virtual world
Y Huang
Clemson University, 2011
Psychological capital as a source of career adaptability, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction among tour operators and guides during a global crisis
YC Huang, CC Chen, SC Lin, HF Tang, JS Cheng
Tourism Management Perspectives 49, 101188, 2023
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