Davide Oscar Nitti
Davide Oscar Nitti
R&D Team Member and Project Manager at Geophysical Applications Processing s.r.l.
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Using COSMO/SkyMed X-band and ENVISAT C-band SAR interferometry for landslides analysis
F Bovenga, J Wasowski, DO Nitti, R Nutricato, MT Chiaradia
Remote Sensing of Environment 119, 272-285, 2012
Evaluation of antiandrogen therapy in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: results of a European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer multicentric double-blind …
C Grimaldi, H Bleiberg, F Gay, M Messner, P Rougier, TC Kok, L Cirera, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 16 (2), 411-417, 1998
Gastrointestinal carcinoid: epidemiological and survival evidence from a large population-based study (n= 25 531)
S Mocellin, D Nitti
Annals of oncology 24 (12), 3040-3044, 2013
The prognostic value of N-ratio in patients with gastric cancer: validation in a large, multicenter series
A Marchet, S Mocellin, A Ambrosi, G de Manzoni, A Di Leo, D Marrelli, ...
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO) 34 (2), 159-165, 2008
Relationship between telomere shortening, genetic instability, and site of tumour origin in colorectal cancers
E Rampazzo, R Bertorelle, L Serra, L Terrin, C Candiotto, S Pucciarelli, ...
British journal of cancer 102 (8), 1300-1305, 2010
Impact of DEM-assisted coregistration on high-resolution SAR interferometry
DO Nitti, RF Hanssen, A Refice, F Bovenga, R Nutricato
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49 (3), 1127-1143, 2010
Telomerase is an independent prognostic marker of overall survival in patients with colorectal cancer
R Bertorelle, M Briarava, E Rampazzo, L Biasini, M Agostini, I Maretto, ...
British journal of cancer 108 (2), 278-284, 2013
Adherence to treatment guidelines for primary sarcomas affects patient survival: a side study of the European CONnective TIssue CAncer NETwork (CONTICANET)
CR Rossi, A Vecchiato, G Mastrangelo, MC Montesco, F Russano, ...
Annals of oncology 24 (6), 1685-1691, 2013
Systematic review of surgical treatment of subclinical Cushing's syndrome
M Iacobone, M Citton, M Scarpa, G Viel, M Boscaro, D Nitti
Journal of British Surgery 102 (4), 318-330, 2015
Tumor response is predicted by patient genetic profile in rectal cancer patients treated with neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy
E Cecchin, M Agostini, S Pucciarelli, A De Paoli, V Canzonieri, R Sigon, ...
The pharmacogenomics journal 11 (3), 214-226, 2011
Landslide science and practice
C Margottini, P Canuti, K Sassa
Springer, 2013
In-hospital mortality, 30-day readmission, and length of hospital stay after surgery for primary colorectal cancer: A national population-based study
S Pucciarelli, M Zorzi, N Gennaro, G Gagliardi, A Restivo, M Saugo, ...
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO) 43 (7), 1312-1323, 2017
Using C/X-band SAR interferometry and GNSS measurements for the Assisi landslide analysis
F Bovenga, DO Nitti, G Fornaro, F Radicioni, A Stoppini, R Brigante
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (11), 4083-4104, 2013
Satellite-based interferometry for monitoring structural deformations of bridge portfolios
A Nettis, V Massimi, R Nutricato, DO Nitti, S Samarelli, G Uva
Automation in Construction 147, 104707, 2023
Postseismic deformation monitoring with the COSMO/SKYMED constellation
D Reale, DO Nitti, D Peduto, R Nutricato, F Bovenga, G Fornaro
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 8 (4), 696-700, 2011
Peptide-based anticancer vaccines: recent advances and future perspectives
S Mocellin, P Pilati, D Nitti
Current medicinal chemistry 16 (36), 4779-4796, 2009
Final results of a phase III clinical trial on adjuvant intraportal infusion with heparin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in resectable colon cancer (EORTC GITCCG 1983–1987)
D Nitti, J Wils, T Sahmoud, D Curran, ML Couvreur, M Lise, ...
European Journal of Cancer 33 (8), 1209-1215, 1997
Increased levels of cathepsin B and L, urokinase-type plasminogen activator and its inhibitor type-1 as an early event in gastric carcinogenesis
F Farinati, L Herszenyi, M PIebani, P Carraro, M De Paoli, R Cardin, ...
Carcinogenesis 17 (12), 2581-2587, 1996
Colorectal metastases to the liver: present status of management
M Lise, PP Da Pian, D Nitti, PL Pilati, C Prevaldi
Diseases of the colon & rectum 33 (8), 688-694, 1990
Early detection of melanoma: an educational campaign in Padova, Italy
CR Rossi, A Vecchiato, G Bezze, G Mastrangelo, MC Montesco, ...
Melanoma Research 10 (2), 181-187, 2000
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